试图创建一个发送电子邮件的功能,但它没有工作..新的PHP ...我做错了什么?

时间:2013-11-01 19:18:49

标签: php function email

function SendEmail() {

    $to      = $email;  
    $subject = 'Sales | Purchase Instructions';  
    $message = ' 

    Thank you for your purchasing 'My Product'.

    Your account information 
    Name:   'Your Name'
    Email:  'Your Email' 


    You can purchase our product by clicking on the purchase button, entering product name, and quantity in the provided boxes, and then click purchase.;  
    $headers = 'From:My Company <me@mycompany.net>' . "\r\n";  

mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);  

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:0)


$name = 'MonkeyZeus';
$message = 'Hi there '.$name.', <--this is a variable but this is a literal quote inside a quote --> \'';

echo $message;



你好MonkeyZeus,&lt; - 这是一个变量,但这是引用中的字面引用 - &gt; “