比较char在C ++中进行验证

时间:2013-11-01 03:50:39

标签: c++ validation

 PROGRAM: Ch6_14.cpp
 Written by Corey Starbird
 This program calculates the balance
 owed to a hospital for a patient.
 Last modified: 10/28/13

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// Prototypes for In-patient and Out-patient functions.
double stayTotal (int, double, double, double); // For In-patients
double stayTotal (double, double);              // For Out-patients

int main()

    char    patientType;        // In-patient (I or i) or Out-patient (O or o)
    double  rate,               // Daily rate for the In-patient stay
    servCharge,                 // Service charge for the stay
    medCharge,                  // Medication charge for the stay
    inTotal,                    // Total for the In-patient stay
    outTotal;                   // Total for the Out-patient stay
    int     days;               // Number of days for the In-patient stay

    // Find out if they were an In-patient or an Out-patient
    cout << "Welcome, please enter (I) for an In-patient or (O) for an Out-patient:" << endl;
    cin >> patientType;
    while (patientType != 'I' || 'i' || 'O' || 'o')
        cout << "Invalid entry. Please enter either (I) for an In-patient or (O) for an Out-patient:" << endl;
        cin >> patientType;

    cout << "FIN";

    return 0;

嘿,这里是C ++的新手。我正在研究一个项目,但我无法弄清楚为什么patientType的验证无法正常工作。我首先使用双引号,但意识到这将表示字符串。我将它们改为单引号,我的程序现在将编译并运行,但无论我输入什么,我,我,O,o或其他任何东西都会运行while循环。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



while (patientType != 'I' && patientType != 'i' && patientType != 'O' && patientType != 'o')

你必须使用&&patientType不是I,或者i始终不是真的。patientType !=此外,您必须对每个要检查的项目使用i,否则字符oObool将隐式转换为true({{1}对于他们所有人)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

while (patientType != 'I' && patientType != 'i' &&
       patientType != 'O' && patientType != 'o')


答案 2 :(得分:0)


(patientType != 'I' || 'i' || 'O' || 'o')


(patientType != 'I' && patientType != 'i' && patientType != 'O' && patientType != 'o')


C和C ++将任何非零值视为“true”。所以,

(patientType != 'I' || 'i' || 'O' || 'o')


(patientType != 'I') or ('i' is not 0) or ('O' is not 0) or ('o' is not 0)