使用包含的文件设置PHP cookie

时间:2013-10-23 12:24:33

标签: php cookies


if (empty($_COOKIE["visits"])) {
            // increment the counter in the database
            mysql_query("UPDATE visit_counter ".
                     " SET counter = counter + 1 ".
                     " WHERE id = 1");

            /* Query visit_counter table and assign counter
               value to the $visitors variable */
            $QueryResult = mysql_query("SELECT counter ".
                    " FROM visit_counter WHERE id = 1");

            // Place query results into an associative array if there are any
            if (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($QueryResult)) !== FALSE) {
                $visitors = $row['counter'];
            } else {
                // else if this is the first visitor set variable to 1
                $visitors = 1; 

            // Set cookie value
            setcookie("visits", $visitors, time()+(60*60*24));
        } else {
            $visitors = $_COOKIE["visits"];


<?php include("Includes/cookie.php"); ?>
var_dump($_COOKIE["visits"]);        /* Always returns NULL on this page but
                                        returns the cookies real value if 
                                         run straight from cookie.php script */

    /* Some main page content goes here */

   /* The cookie value is echoed in the footer file that is included by
      creating a statement that says echo "total visitors: ".$visitors; */
   <?php include("Includes/footer.php"); ?>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

问题出在set_cookie上 从以下位置设置:

// Set cookie value
setcookie("visits", $visitors, time()+(60*60*24));

// Set cookie value
setcookie("visits", $visitors, time()+(60*60*24),'/'); // Define the cookie path to be used on this domain