Moz2D是Firefox的新后端,目前它正在从开罗转换。与开罗相比,Moz2D的优势之一在于它使得渲染工作在Firefox中更快。 以下是Moz2D
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来自mozilla irc的#gfx:
<wafje> is Moz2D/Azure available as an API outside of Firefox, or is it intended to be just for Firefox?
<milan> wafje: it is usable outside the Firefox, at least in that it builds "standalone", but I'm not aware of anybody actually using it in production
<Bas> milan: I guess Servo, technically.
<milan> Bas: right, and the standalone Skia tests; are they actually running those?
<Bas> milan: Skia is, or should be.. or do you mean the stand-alone Moz2D tests?
<milan> Bas: probably both :)
<Bas> milan: To the best of my knowledge neither