需要阅读XML c#

时间:2013-10-17 21:00:57

标签: c# xml linq

我需要阅读以下XML docuemt并保存变量中的所有字段以供日后使用。 试过Linq但是真的不明白如何使用它。 我需要帮助,我应该编写什么代码来读取XML并将字段保存在变量中?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Map name="Mapa Prueba" width="30" height="30" hp="500" orobyte="50" Tx="1" Ty="5" Sx="30" Sy="25"  >

        <Structure name="Block de Notas" attack="0" i="1" j="1" range="0" price="8" />
        <Structure name="Excel" attack="2" i="2" j="2" range="1" price="20" />
        <Structure name="Word" attack="3" i="2" j="2" range="1" price="40" />
        <Structure name="PowerPoint" attack="3" i="3" j="2" range="1" price="50" />
        <Structure name="FireWall" attack="1" i="1" j="1" range="1" price="60" />
        <Structure name="Avast" attack="4" i="3" j="3" range="2" price="80" />
        <Structure name="Nod32" attack="4" i="3" j="2" range="2" price="110" />
        <Structure name="Panda" attack="6" i="3" j="2" range="1" price="130" />
        <Structure name="Norton" attack="5" i="3" j="3" range="2" price="150" />
        <Structure name="Eclipse" attack="4" i="3" j="4" range="3" price="180" />
        <Structure name="Visual Studio" attack="10" i="5" j="6" range="1" price="200" />

        <Enemy id="00" color="rojo" hp="20" orobyte="1" speed="1" />
        <Enemy id="01" color="azul" hp="10" orobyte="1" speed="2" />
        <Enemy id="02" color="amarillo" hp="35" orobyte="3" speed="1" />
        <Enemy id="03" color="celeste" hp="30" orobyte="2" speed="2" />
        <Enemy id="04" color="azul" hp="10" orobyte="1" speed="4" />
        <Enemy id="05" color="rojo" hp="60" orobyte="3" speed="1" />
        <Enemy id="06" color="celeste" hp="100" orobyte="10" speed="1" />
        <Enemy id="07" color="amarillo" hp="150" orobyte="25" speed="3" />
        <Enemy id="08" color="verde" hp="200" orobyte="40" speed="5" />

            <Group id="00" count="10" />
            <Group id="01" count="5" />
            <Group id="00" count="15" />
            <Group id="01" count="5" />
            <Group id="01" count="25" />
            <Group id="00" count="24" />
            <Group id="01" count="5" />
            <Group id="02" count="20" />
            <Group id="02" count="10" />
            <Group id="03" count="20" />
            <Group id="03" count="20" />
            <Group id="07" count="1" />
            <Group id="03" count="10" />
            <Group id="04" count="30" />
            <Group id="05" count="30" />
            <Group id="06" count="10" />
            <Group id="07" count="1" />
            <Group id="08" count="3" />


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


LINQ to read XML

Reading an XML using libxml2

Reading Xml with XmlReader in C#

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlFile); //Or XDocument.Parse(xmlString)

var structures = xDoc.Descendants("StructuresList").Descendants("Structure")

foreach (var structure in structures)
    var name = structure.Attribute("name").Value;
    var attack = structure.Attribute("attack").Value;
    //Continue checking attributes

答案 2 :(得分:0)

static void Main(string[] args)
            string path =@"file.xml";

            Map mymap = new Map();
            var xml = XDocument.Load(path);
            var map = xml.Descendants("Map").Select(x => new Map()
                    Structures = x.Element("StructuresList").Elements("Structure").Select(r => new StructuresList()
                        Name = r.Attribute("name").Value,
                        Attack =Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("attack").Value),
                        I = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("i").Value),
                        J = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("j").Value),
                        Range = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("range").Value),
                        Price = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("price").Value)


                    Enemys = x.Element("EnemysList").Elements("Enemy").Select(r => new EnemysList()
                        ID = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("id").Value),
                        Color = r.Attribute("color").Value.ToString(),
                        HP = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("hp").Value),
                        Orobyte = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("orobyte").Value),
                        Speed = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("speed").Value)

                    Waves = x.Element("Waves").Elements("Wave").Select(y => new Wave()
                        Groups = y.Elements("Group").Select(r => new Group()
                            ID = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("id").Value),
                            Count = Convert.ToInt32(r.Attribute("count").Value)

        internal class Map
            public List<StructuresList> Structures { set; get; }

            public List<EnemysList> Enemys { set; get; }

            public List<Wave> Waves { set; get; }

        internal class StructuresList
            public string Name{set;get;}

            public int Attack { set; get; }

            public int I { set; get; }

            public int J { set; get; }

            public int Range { set; get; }

            public int Price { set; get; }

        internal class EnemysList

            public int ID { set; get; }
            public string Color { set; get; }
            public int HP { set; get; }

            public int  Orobyte { set; get; }
            public int Speed { set; get; }


        internal class Wave
            public int WaveID { set; get; }
            public List<Group> Groups { set; get; }

        internal class Group
            public int ID { set; get; }

            public int Count { set; get; }


                foreach (var str in map.Structures)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name :{0}  , Attack:{1}  , I:{2}  , J:{3}  ,  Range:{4}  ,  Price:{5}"
                        , str.Name, str.Attack, str.I, str.J, str.Range, str.Price);

                foreach (var enmy in map.Enemys)
                    Console.WriteLine("ID :{0}  , Color:{1}  , HP:{2}  , Orobyte:{3}  ,  Speed:{4} "
                        , enmy.ID, enmy.Color, enmy.HP, enmy.Orobyte, enmy.Speed);


                 foreach (var enmy in map.Waves)
                    Console.WriteLine("Wave ID:{0}", enmy.WaveID);
                    foreach(var gr in enmy.Groups)
                    Console.WriteLine("ID :{0}  , Count:{1} "
                        , gr.ID, gr.Count);