
时间:2013-10-15 01:31:52

标签: php html-entities


$this->string = htmlentities($this->string, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8", false);


string(1787) "##Welcome newcomer

We have a `great place` here for you to write whatever you wish, and share it with your friends, family and other random people. Hopefully you enjoy writing for us, we can't wait to see what you have to write about and share with the community! 


We don't use your average editor, we use a much simpler one to write fast HTML code. It is called **Markdown**. Here we will show some basic and common Markdown syntax.

|||OTD|||Makes text thicker.|||CTD|||
|||OTD|||Makes text slanted|||CTD|||
|||OTD||||||LBR|||Google|||RBR||||||LPR||| |||CTD|||
|||OTD|||Makes a text link to a webpage|||CTD|||
|||OBLQU|||I am  
part of  
a quote  
|||GTR|||I am  
|||GTR|||part of  
|||GTR|||a quote  
|||OTD|||Creates a quote area|||CTD|||
            <title>I Am The Title</title>
            <title>I Am The Title</title>|||BR|||
|||OTD|||Creates a block of code|||CTD|||
|||OTD|||I am `inline code`|||CTD|||
|||OTD|||I am |||TIK|||inline code|||TIK||||||CTD|||
|||OTD|||Creates an inline code block|||CTD|||
string(0) ""

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

尝试在第三个参数中将"UTF-8"更改为"iso-8859-1"。这是一个众所周知的... feature introduced in PHP 5.4。我想它可以完成这项工作。


答案 1 :(得分:-2)

htmlentities(string, quotestyle, character-set)
