我正在尝试编写一个反射类(用于自定义序列化)。 我对迭代数组的语法感到困惑。 以下适用于非数组,但我错过了数组部分,并且无法解决其中的其他答案(其中一些不能编译)......
private static void diagPrint(Object val)
if (val == null)
return; // whoops
Type t = val.GetType();
string r = "";
if (t.IsArray)
Type t_item = t.GetElementType();
r += "Type=" + t_item.Name + "[], value=[";
// ??? OK, now what ? How to iterate through the elements of the array ???
// Needs to work for arrays of simple type like Bool or arrays of objects...
r += "]";
r += "Type=" + t.Name + ", value=";
r += val.ToString();
答案 0 :(得分:7)
IEnumerable items = val as IEnumerable;
foreach (object o in items)
r += ((o != null) ? o.ToString() : "") + ", ";
答案 1 :(得分:4)
IEnumerable array = val as IEnumerable;
if (array != null)
foreach (var element in array)
答案 2 :(得分:2)
,您甚至可以使用多维数组答案 3 :(得分:0)
请注意,此序列化程序适用于FIXED SIZE类(属性类用于指定字符串长度,反序列化的目标必须具有所有组件的默认初始化且无空值)。这用于C#内置序列化器太冗长,无法将值存储到空间有限的嵌入式设备的闪存中。它不支持多维数组(读者练习)。
private static void navelGaze(string name, int level, ref object val, int storageSize)
Debug.Assert(val != null); // can happen with an unitialized string (please init to "")
Type t = val.GetType();
StringBuilder diagString = new StringBuilder(100);
diagString.Append(name); diagString.Append(": ");
if (t.IsArray)
Type t_item = t.GetElementType();
Array ar = val as Array;
int len = ar.Length;
diagString.Append("Type="); diagString.Append(t_item.Name);
diagString.Append("["); diagString.Append(len); diagString.Append("]");
if (t_item.BaseType.Name == "ValueType")
// array of primitive types like Bool or Int32...
diagString.Append(", value=[");
// Because C# does not permit modification of the iteration object
// in "foreach", nor subscript operations on an array of primitive values,
// use "GetValue/Setvalue" and a regular index iteration.
for(int idx=0; idx<len; idx++) {
object arrayElementBoxObj = ar.GetValue(idx);
Munger(ref arrayElementBoxObj, 0);
diagString.Append(", ");
if (currentOperation == SerializerOperation_T.Deserialize)
ar.SetValue(arrayElementBoxObj, idx);
WriteDiagnostic(level, diagString.ToString());
// This is an array of a complex type; recurse for each element in the array...
WriteDiagnostic(level, diagString.ToString());
// The following cast operation is required to subscript 'ar'...
// Note an array of a primitive type like 'int' cannot be cast to an array of objects.
object[] vResObjArray = (object[])ar;
for(int i=0; i<len; i++) {
object boxObj = vResObjArray[i];
navelGaze(name + "[" + i + "]", level + 1, ref boxObj, 0);
if (currentOperation == SerializerOperation_T.Deserialize)
// Setting vResObjArray[x] DOES set the original object passed into
// this function, as required for deserialization.
vResObjArray[i] = boxObj;
else if (t.Name == "String")
// 'String' is actually a class, but normal class handling below blows up...
diagString.Append("Type="); diagString.Append(t.Name);
diagString.Append(", value=");
Munger(ref val, storageSize);
else if (t.IsClass)
// Decompose class and recurse over members
WriteDiagnostic(level, diagString + "Class " + t.Name);
// Note that custom attributes are associated with the class's fields and properties,
// NOT the type of the value of the fields/properties, so this must be checked here
// prior recursion to process the values...
// GetFields does not get the PROPERTIES of the object, that's very annoying...
FieldInfo[] fi = val.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (FieldInfo f in fi)
if (f.IsStatic) continue; // ignore class constants
// Skip this if the FIELD is marked [HSB_GUI_SerializeSuppress]
HSB_GUI_SerializeSuppressAttribute[] GUI_field_suppressSerializationAtt =
f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HSB_GUI_SerializeSuppressAttribute), true);
if (GUI_field_suppressSerializationAtt.Length > 0)
continue; // this field is marked with "suppress serialization to GUI save are"
// Get optional size specifier (required for strings)
int nextLevelStorageSize = 0;
HSB_GUI_SerializableAttribute[] HSB_GUI_SerializableAtt =
f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HSB_GUI_SerializableAttribute), true);
if (HSB_GUI_SerializableAtt.Length > 0)
nextLevelStorageSize = HSB_GUI_SerializableAtt[0].StorageLength;
// box, and gaze into this field...
object boxObj = f.GetValue(val);
// could replace null with default object constructed here
navelGaze(f.Name, level + 1, ref boxObj, nextLevelStorageSize);
if (currentOperation == SerializerOperation_T.Deserialize)
f.SetValue(val, boxObj);
// Now iterate over the PROPERTIES
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in /*typeof(T)*/ val.GetType().GetProperties())
// Skip this if the PROPERTY is marked [HSB_GUI_SerializeSuppress]
HSB_GUI_SerializeSuppressAttribute[] GUI_prop_suppressSerializationAtt =
prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HSB_GUI_SerializeSuppressAttribute), true);
if (GUI_prop_suppressSerializationAtt.Length > 0)
continue; // this property is marked with "suppress serialization to GUI save are"
// not relevant; does not occur: if (!type.IsSerializable) continue;
// Get optional size specifier (required for strings)
int nextLevelStorageSize = 0;
HSB_GUI_SerializableAttribute[] HSB_GUI_SerializableAtt =
prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(HSB_GUI_SerializableAttribute), true);
if (HSB_GUI_SerializableAtt.Length > 0)
nextLevelStorageSize = HSB_GUI_SerializableAtt[0].StorageLength;
// box, and gaze into this field...
object boxObj = prop.GetValue(val, null);
// could replace null with default object constructed here
navelGaze("Property " + prop.Name, level + 1, ref boxObj, nextLevelStorageSize);
if (currentOperation == SerializerOperation_T.Deserialize)
prop.SetValue(val, boxObj, null);
else if (t.IsEnum)
Munger(ref val, 0);
diagString.Append("Enum ("); diagString.Append(t.Name); diagString.Append("), value=");
diagString.Append(val.ToString()); diagString.Append(", raw value="); diagString.Append((int)val);
Munger(ref val, 0);
diagString.Append("Type="); diagString.Append(t.Name);
diagString.Append(", value="); diagString.Append(val.ToString());
public static HSB_Settings_Class DeserializeResult(byte[] datastream)
Debug.Assert(datastream.Length == 0x0600);
idx = 0;
buf = datastream;
currentOperation = SerializerOperation_T.Deserialize;
HSB_Settings_Class new_HSB_settings = new HSB_Settings_Class();
object boxObj = new_HSB_settings;
navelGaze("DeserializeResult", 0, ref boxObj, 0);
new_HSB_settings = (HSB_Settings_Class)boxObj;
Console.WriteLine("==== Deserialization used a total of " + idx.ToString() + " bytes (out of 1536 available) ====");
return new_HSB_settings;
public static byte[] SerializeHSBsettings(ref HSB_Settings_Class hsbset)
idx = 0;
currentOperation = SerializerOperation_T.Serialize;
object boxObj = hsbset;
navelGaze("SerializeHSB", 0, ref boxObj, 0);
Console.WriteLine("==== Serialization used a total of "+idx.ToString() + " bytes (out of 1536 available) ====");
return buf;