使用XNA / MonoGame进行适当的球体碰撞分辨,具有不同的尺寸和质量

时间:2013-10-04 19:32:32

标签: c# xna physics monogame


返回的浮动只是我用来改变球碰撞时发出的声音的质量差异。 任何人都可以在我的计算中看到任何错误:

internal float ResolveCollision(Ball otherBall)
    if (otherBall == this) { return 0f; }
    if (this.GetBoundingSphere().Intersects(otherBall.GetBoundingSphere()))
        // Attempt to step the balls back so they are just barely touching
        Vector3 dd = Position - otherBall.Position;
        Position += dd / 2;
        otherBall.Position -= dd / 2;


        Vector3 V1 = Velocity;
        Vector3 P1 = Position;
        float M1 = Mass;
        float A1 = getMovementAngle(V1.X, V1.Y);

        Vector3 V2 = otherBall.Velocity;
        Vector3 P2 = otherBall.Position;
        float M2 = otherBall.Mass;
        float A2 = getMovementAngle(V2.X, V2.Y);

        float CA = getContactAngle(P1, P2);

        // Recalculate x and y components based of a rotated axis, having the x axis parallel to the contact angle.
        Vector3 V1XR = V1 * (float)Math.Cos(A1 - CA);
        Vector3 V1YR = V1 * (float)Math.Sin(A1 - CA);

        Vector3 V2XR = V2 * (float)Math.Cos(A2 - CA);
        Vector3 V2YR = V2 * (float)Math.Sin(A2 - CA);

        //Now solve the x components of the velocity as if they were in one dimension using the equation;
        Vector3 V1f = (V1 * (M1 - M2) + 2 * M2 * V2) / (M1 + M2);
        Vector3 V2f = (V2 * (M2 - M1) + 2 * M1 * V1) / (M1 + M2);

        Vector3 V1fXR = (V1 * (float)Math.Cos(A1 - CA) * (M1 - M2) + 2 * M2 * V2 * (float)Math.Cos(A2 - CA)) / (M1 + M2);
        Vector3 V2fXR = (V2 * (float)Math.Cos(A2 - CA) * (M2 - M1) + 2 * M1 * V1 * (float)Math.Cos(A1 - CA)) / (M1 + M2);

        //Now find the x and y values for the un-rotated axis by equating for the values when the axis are rotated back.
        Vector3 V1fX = V1fXR * (float)Math.Cos(CA) + V1YR * (float)Math.Cos(CA + MathHelper.PiOver2);
        Vector3 V1fY = V1fXR * (float)Math.Sin(CA) + V1YR * (float)Math.Sin(CA + MathHelper.PiOver2);
        Vector3 V2fX = V2fXR * (float)Math.Cos(CA) + V2YR * (float)Math.Cos(CA + MathHelper.PiOver2);
        Vector3 V2fY = V2fXR * (float)Math.Sin(CA) + V2YR * (float)Math.Sin(CA + MathHelper.PiOver2);

        // Add it all up
        Vector3 nV1 = V1fX + V1fY;
        Vector3 nV2 = V2fX + V2fY;

        // Correct Velocity & Move apart
        Velocity = v3check(nV1, MAXSPEED, -MAXSPEED);
        otherBall.Velocity = v3check(nV2, MAXSPEED, -MAXSPEED);

        // Step the balls forward (by there Velocity) just a bit so they are no longer touching
        Position += Velocity * _lastDT * .25f;
        otherBall.Position += otherBall.Velocity * otherBall._lastDT * .25f;

        return BMDMath.toFloat(Mass - otherBall.Mass);

    return 0f;


private static float getMovementAngle(double vx, double vy)
    return MathHelper.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(vy, vx));

private static float getContactAngle(Vector3 o1, Vector3 o2)
    Vector3 d = o1 - o2;
    return MathHelper.ToDegrees((float)Math.Atan2(d.Y, d.X));

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




var collisionNormal = Position - otherBall.Position;
//The direction of the collision plane, perpendicular to the normal
var collisionDirection = new Vector3(-collisionNormal.Y, collisionNormal.X, 0);

现在将速度分成两部分。一部分与法线平行,另一部分垂直。那是因为垂直部分不受碰撞的影响。 V2的拆分如下:


var v1Parallel = Vector3.Dot(collisionNormal, V1) * collisionNormal;
var v1Ortho    = Vector3.Dot(collisionDirection, V1) * collisionDirection;
var v2Parallel = Vector3.Dot(collisionNormal, V2) * collisionNormal;
var v2Ortho    = Vector3.Dot(collisionDirection, V2) * collisionDirection;


v1 = v1Parallel + v1Ortho;
v2 = v2Parallel + v2Ortho;


var v1Length = v1Parallel.Length;
var v2Length = v2Parallel.Length;
var commonVelocity = 2 * (this.Mass * v1Length + otherBall.Mass * v2Length) / (this.Mass + otherBall.Mass);
var v1LengthAfterCollision = commonVelocity - v1Length;
var v2LengthAfterCollision = commonVelocity - v2Length;
v1Parallel = v1Parallel * (v1LengthAfterCollision / v1Length);
v2Parallel = v2Parallel * (v2LengthAfterCollision / v2Length);


this.Velocity = v1Parallel + v1Ortho;
otherBall.Velocity = v2Parallel + v2Ortho;

答案 1 :(得分:1)

Nico Shertler的答案很好地用向量来设置问题,并且有很好的图表。但是,如果任一球的速度为零,则示例代码的物理部分不起作用 - 它会产生一个被零除错误,因为当V1或V2分别为零时,v1Length或v2Length将为0。


var totalMass = this.Mass + otherBall.Mass;
var v1ParallelNew = (v1Parallel * (this.Mass - otherBall.Mass) + 2*otherBall.Mass * v2Parallel) / totalMass;
var v2ParallelNew = (v2Parallel * (otherBall.Mass - this.Mass) + 2*this.Mass * v1Parallel) / totalMass;
v1Parallel = v1ParallelNew;
v2Parallel = v2ParallelNew;


还有一个重要的考虑因素。如果你只改变速度并且在检测到碰撞时球没有移出碰撞,那么它们可能仍然在下一帧中重叠(碰撞),即使它们的速度正在使它们彼此远离。这导致它们粘在一起,因为代码反转了彼此的速度。为了避免这种情况,只有当球至少在“平行”方向上朝向另一个球移动时才改变速度。 E.g:

if (Vector.Dot(collisionNormal, V1) > 0 || Vector.Dot(collisionNormal, V2) < 0)
    // do the physics code here
