
时间:2013-10-01 15:00:54

标签: c# oop inheritance


public abstract Base
    protected int field1;
    protected int field2;

    protected Base() { ... }


public Base
    protected int field1;
    protected int field2;

    protected Base() { ... }

    public virtual Base Clone() { return new Base(); }

public A : Base { }
public B : Base { }
  1. 问题是,因为我无法知道我的Base 1中派生类的类型,即使我在派生时调用它,也不会导致Base类实例那些 ? (a.Clone();)(实际上经过测试后,这是发生了什么,但也许我的测试设计得不好,这就是我对此有疑问的原因)

  2. 有没有一种好方法(模式)来实现一个基本的Clone方法,它可以按照我的预期工作,或者我必须在每个派生类中编写相同的代码(我真的很喜欢)避免......)

  3. 感谢您的帮助

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


public abstract Base
    protected int field1;
    protected int field2;

    protected Base() { ... }

    protected Base(Base copyThis) : this()
        this.field1 = copyThis.field1;
        this.field2 = copyThis.field2;

    public abstract Base Clone();

public Child1 : Base
    protected int field3;

    public Child1 () : base() { ... }

    protected Child1 (Child1  copyThis) : base(copyThis)
        this.field3 = copyThis.field3;

    public override Base Clone() { return new Child1(this); }

public Child2 : Base
    public Child2 () : base() { ... }

    protected Child (Child  copyThis) : base(copyThis)
    {  }

    public override Base Clone() { return new Child2(this); }

public Child3 : Base
    protected int field4;

    public Child3 () : base() { ... }

    protected Child3 (Child3  copyThis) : base(copyThis)
        this.field4 = copyThis.field4;

    public override Base Clone()
        var result = new Child1(this);
        result.field1 = result.field2 - result.field1;

答案 1 :(得分:8)



public Base
    protected int field1;
    protected int field2;

    protected Base() { ... }

    public virtual Base Clone() 
        var bc = CreateInstanceForClone();
        bc.field1 = 1;
        bc.field2 = 2;
        return bc;

    protected virtual Base CreateInstanceForClone()
        return new Base(); 

public A : Base 
    protected int fieldInA;
    public override Base Clone() 
        var a = (A)base.Clone();
        a.fieldInA =5;
        return a;

    protected override Base CreateInstanceForClone()
        return new A(); 

答案 2 :(得分:2)


public class Base<T> where T: Base<T>, new()
    public virtual T Clone() 
        T copy = new T();
        copy.Id = this.Id;
        return copy;

    public string Id { get; set; }

public class A : Base<A>
    public override A Clone()
        A copy = base.Clone();
        copy.Name = this.Name;
        return copy;

    public string Name { get; set; }

private void Test()
    A a = new A();
    A aCopy = a.Clone();


答案 3 :(得分:1)


public class Base
    public virtual object Clone()
        Base copy = (Base)Activator.CreateInstance(this.GetType());
        copy.Id = this.Id;
        return copy;

    public string Id { get; set; }

public class A : Base
    public override object Clone()
        A copy = (A)base.Clone();
        copy.Name = this.Name;
        return copy;

    public string Name { get; set; }

A a = new A();
A aCopy = (A)a.Clone();


答案 4 :(得分:1)

我做了类似亚历山大·西蒙诺夫的事情,但也许更简单。这个想法(正如我在评论中所说)在基类中只有一个 Clone(),并将所有工作留给虚拟CloneImpl(),每个类根据需要定义,依赖于基类的CloneImpl()


using System;

namespace CloneImplDemo
    // dummy data class
    class DeepDataT : ICloneable 
        public int i;
        public object Clone() { return MemberwiseClone(); } 

    class Base: ICloneable
        protected virtual Base CloneImpl()
            // Neat: Creates the type of whatever object is calling. 
            // Also obviates the need for default constructors
            // (Neither Derived1T nor Derived2T have one.)
            return (Base)MemberwiseClone();

        public object Clone() 
            // Calls whatever CloneImpl the  
            // actual calling type implements.
            return CloneImpl();

    // Note: No Clone() re-implementation
    class Derived1T : Base
        public Derived1T(int i) { der1Data.i = i; }
        public DeepDataT der1Data = new DeepDataT();
        protected override Base CloneImpl()
            Derived1T cloned = (Derived1T)base.CloneImpl();
            cloned.der1Data = (DeepDataT)der1Data.Clone();
            return cloned;

    // Note: No Clone() re-implementation.
    class Derived2T : Derived1T
        public Derived2T(int i1, int i2) : base(i1)
            der2Data.i = i2;
        public string txt = string.Empty; // copied by MemberwiseClone()
        public DeepDataT der2Data = new DeepDataT();
        protected override Base CloneImpl()
            Derived2T cloned = (Derived2T)base.CloneImpl();
            // base members have been taken care of in the base impl.
            // we only add our own stuff.
            cloned.der2Data = (DeepDataT)der2Data.Clone();
            return cloned;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var obj1 = new Derived2T(1,2);
            obj1.txt = "this is obj1";

            var obj2 = (Derived2T)obj1.Clone();
            obj2.der2Data.i++; // changes value.
            obj2.txt = "this is a deep copy"; // replaces reference.

            // the values for i should differ because 
            // we performed a deep copy of the DeepDataT members.
            Console.WriteLine("obj1 txt, i1, i2: " + obj1.txt + ", " + obj1.der1Data.i + ", " + obj1.der2Data.i);
            Console.WriteLine("obj2 txt, i1, i2: " + obj2.txt + ", " + obj2.der1Data.i + ", " + obj2.der2Data.i);


obj1 txt, i1, i2: this is obj1, 1, 2
obj2 txt, i1, i2: this is a deep copy, 2, 3

答案 5 :(得分:0)


Base base = new Base(){...};
Derived derived = XmlClone.CloneToDerived<Base, Derived>(base);

public static class XmlClone
    public static D CloneToDerived<T, D>(T pattern)
        where T : class
        using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
            using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(ms))
                Type typePattern = typeof(T);
                Type typeTarget = typeof(D);

                XmlSerializer xmlSerializerIn = new XmlSerializer(typePattern);
                xmlSerializerIn.Serialize(writer, pattern);
                ms.Position = 0;
                XmlSerializer xmlSerializerOut = new XmlSerializer(typeTarget, new XmlRootAttribute(typePattern.Name));
                D copy = (D)xmlSerializerOut.Deserialize(ms);                    
                return copy;

答案 6 :(得分:0)

在尝试解决这个确切问题时发现了这个问题,并在使用LINQPad的过程中获得了一些乐趣。 概念证明:

void Main()
    Person p = new Person() { Name = "Person Name", Dates = new List<System.DateTime>() { DateTime.Now } };

    new Manager()
        Subordinates = 5

public static class Ext
    public static TResult Apply<TResult, TSource>(this TResult result, TSource source) where TResult: TSource
        var props = typeof(TSource).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
        foreach (var p in props)
            p.SetValue(result, p.GetValue(source));

        return result;

class Person 
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<DateTime> Dates { get; set; }

class Manager : Person
    public int Subordinates { get; set; }