我和我的朋友目前正致力于在Scheme中创建二进制搜索树。我们无法保存我们插入的内容。我的教授说我们要用套车! (cdr(左边的子树以某种方式,但我不知道究竟要把它放在哪里。我们应该使用set-car!(cddr(对于正确的子树也是。
(define make-empty-BST '())
;create function to see if BST is empty
(define (emptyBST? BST) (null? BST))
;make non-empty BST with explicit list implementation
(define (make-BST root left-subtree right-subtree)
(list root left-subtree right-subtree))
;helper get root function
(define (getRoot BST) (car BST))
;helper get left subtree function
(define (getLeftsubTree BST) (cadr BST)) ;(car (cdr tr))
;helper get right subtree function
(define (getRightsubTree BST) (caddr BST)) ;(car (cdr (cdr tr)))
;Checks to see if a leaf is empty
(define (emptyleaf? BST) (and (null? (getLeftsubTree BST)) (null? (getRightsubTree BST))))
;inserts an item into the BST
(define (BST-insert BST item)
((emptyBST? BST) ;if empty, create a new root with given item - use empty lists for left and right subtrees
(make-BST item make-empty-BST make-empty-BST))
((< item (getRoot BST)) ;if item less than root, add to left subtree
(make-BST (getRoot BST)
(BST-insert (getLeftsubTree BST) item) ;recursion
(getRightsubTree BST)))
((> item (getRoot BST))
(make-BST (getRoot BST)
(getLeftsubTree BST)
(BST-insert (getRightsubTree BST) item)))
(else BST))) ; it's already in BST, do nothing
答案 0 :(得分:0)
(define (replace-nth n element list)
;; return a new list like list, but whose
;; nth element is element
(if (= n 0)
(cons element (cdr list))
(cons (car list) (replace-nth (- n 1) element (cdr list)))))
(let ((l (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(display (replace-nth 3 'x l)) ; prints (1 2 3 x 5 6)
(display l)) ; prints (1 2 3 4 5 6)
(define (set-nth! n element list)
;; set the nth element of list to be element
(if (= n 0)
(set-car! list element)
(set-nth! (- n 1) element (cdr list))))
(let ((l (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(display (set-nth! 4 'x l)) ; prints #<void>
(display l)) ; prints (1 2 3 4 x 6)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
(define (setLeftsubTree BST left)
(set-car! (cdr BST) left))
(define (setRightsubTree BST right)
(set-car! (cddr BST) right))