这里第一次发布海报,请耐心等待。我也是C ++的新手。我正在根据名为Pig的骰子游戏编写这个游戏。它接近正常工作,但我遇到了一些问题。游戏的目的是达到100分,但我不知道如何编码。我已经尝试了几种方法,比如while循环或if语句,但它们都没有用。我希望它能说一旦获胜的骰子滚动,谁赢了。最好的方法是什么?
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int die;
int myScore = 95;
int devilScore = 95;
int turnScore = 0;
int myScoretotal = myScore += turnScore;
int devilScoretotal = devilScore += turnScore;
char choice;
bool change = false;
cout << "Welcome to Devil's Dice! Please select from the following menu: ";
while(change == false){ //&& devilScoretotal < 100 && myScoretotal < 100){
cout << "\nRoll [r], Pass [p], or Quit [q].";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 'r'){
die=(rand() % 6 + 1); //Number generator for die
if(die > 1){
cout << "You rolled a " << die << "." << endl;
turnScore += die;
cout << "You will add " << turnScore << " points if you pass now. ";}
cout << "You rolled a 1. You lose your points and your turn ends." << endl;
change = true;
turnScore = 0;
if(choice == 'p')
{myScore += turnScore;
cout << "Your score is now " << myScore << "." << endl;
turnScore = 0;
change = true; } //needs to go to Devil now
if(choice == 'q')
{cout << "\n\tThanks for playing! ";
return 0; }
else if(choice > 'r' || choice < 'p')
{cout << "Please select from the choices listed."; }
while(change == true){// && devilScoretotal < 100 && myScoretotal < 100){ //The Devil's actions
if(myScore > devilScore && turnScore < 17 || devilScore > myScore && turnScore < 12 || devilScore > 84){
cout << "The Devil rolls! " << endl;
if(choice == 'r'){
die=(rand() % 6 + 1); //Number generator for die
if(die > 1){
cout << "The Devil rolls a " << die << "." << endl;
turnScore += die;
cout << "The Devil rolls a 1. He loses his points and now it's your turn!" << endl;
turnScore = 0;
change = false;
cout << "The Devil chooses to pass. ";
devilScore += turnScore;
turnScore = 0;
cout << "He has " << devilScore << " points. " << endl;
cout << "The Devil now has " << devilScore << " points." << endl;
change = false;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
while(hasSomeoneWonYet == false){code}
if(winConditionsMet){hasSomeoneWonYet = true;}
答案 1 :(得分:0)
turn = player
winner = false
rolled_1 = false
pass = false
while !winner
if turn == player
show the player options (roll, pass, or quit)
respond to player's choice
else if turn == computer
logic for what computer does for its roll
respond to computer's choice
check for winner
if winner
announce winner
if rolled 1 or pass was chosen
if turn == computer
turn = player
turn = computer
(winner became true, so the while loop is exited, and the program finishes)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
问题2:当滚动的数字+转弯得分+总得分>> 100时,您应该检查获胜条件。在这种情况下,您只需打印获胜声明并返回。
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int die;
int myScore = 0;
int devilScore = 0;
int turnScore = 0;
char choice;
bool change = false;
bool weHaveAWinner = false;
cout << "Welcome to Devil's Dice! Please select from the following menu: ";
//Enclosing infinite loop, only can exit on return
while (true) {
//Player turn loop, can exit with breaks to main loop
while (true){
cout << "\nRoll [r], Pass [p], or Quit [q].";
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 'r'){
die=(rand() % 6 + 1); //Number generator for die
if(die > 1){
cout << "You rolled a " << die << "." << endl;
turnScore += die;
if (turnScore + myScore >=100) {
cout << "You win!" << endl;
//Winning condition met. Game over and return.
return 0;
cout << "You will add " << turnScore << " points if you pass now. ";}
cout << "You rolled a 1. You lose your points and your turn ends." << endl;
turnScore = 0;
//End turn. Breaks secondary loop.
if(choice == 'p') {
myScore += turnScore;
cout << "Your score is now " << myScore << "." << endl;
turnScore = 0;
change = true;
//End turn. Breaks secondary loop.
} //needs to go to Devil now
if(choice == 'q')
{cout << "\n\tThanks for playing! ";
return 0; }
else if(choice > 'r' || choice < 'p')
{cout << "Please select from the choices listed."; }
while (true){
//Devil's turn loop, can exit with breaks to main loop
if(myScore > devilScore && turnScore < 17 || devilScore > myScore && turnScore < 12 || devilScore > 84){
cout << "The Devil rolls! " << endl;
if(choice == 'r'){
die=(rand() % 6 + 1); //Number generator for die
if(die > 1){
cout << "The Devil rolls a " << die << "." << endl;
turnScore += die;
if (turnScore + devilScore >=100) {
//Winning condition met. Game over and return.
cout << "The Devil wins!" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "The Devil rolls a 1. He loses his points and now it's your turn!" << endl;
turnScore = 0;
change = false;
//End turn. Breaks secondary loop.
cout << "The Devil chooses to pass. ";
devilScore += turnScore;
turnScore = 0;
cout << "He has " << devilScore << " points. " << endl;
cout << "The Devil now has " << devilScore << " points." << endl;
change = false;
//End turn. Breaks secondary loop.