
时间:2013-09-22 21:38:08

标签: php sql wampserver



  if ((isset($_SESSION["admin"])) ){
  echo "<center><h2>Sales report on " .$day. "." .$month. ".2013</h2></center>";

    echo "<center><table style='border:2px solid black;' align=center width=600>";
    echo "<tr><th colspan=12><center><h2>Sales Report</h2><hr size='2' color='black' /></center></th></tr>";
    echo " <th width=400> Amount Collected</th>";
$x = 1; //counter
//open a connection to a MySQL server using function mysql_connect 
//returns a MySQL link identifier on success, or FALSE on failure.
$conn= mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$conn)
    die ("Connection error: ".mysql_error());
else {
    //select a MySQL database
    //returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failurue.
        die ("DB not found: ".mysql_error());
    else {
        //put query in a variable $query
        $query= "select ROUND(sum(orderdetails.tprice),2)
                 from orders JOIN orderdetails ON orders.orderID = orderdetails.orderID WHERE DAY( = '$day' AND MONTH( = '$month'";
            die ("Invalid query: ".mysql_error());
        //if record exists
        else {
            //fetch a result row as both associative array and numeric array
                if(mysql_num_rows($result)== 1){
                    while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_BOTH)){
                    echo "<tr>";
                    echo "<td align='center'>RM ".$row[0]."</td></tr>";  
                    $x++; //increase the counter
                else {
                    echo "<tr><th colspan=12>No sales made.</td></tr>";}




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



答案 1 :(得分:0)

这里有几个问题 您的HTML表语法不正确,并且您使用的是旧的SQL库 - 它看起来不像您的SQL语法是正确的...尝试此代码(未经测试,因为我没有您的数据)

 if ((isset($_SESSION["admin"])) ){
   echo '<div style="margin:auto; textalign:center;">';
   echo "<h2>Sales report on " .$_POST['day']. "." .$_POST['month']. ".2013</h2>";
   echo "<h2>Sales Report</h2>"
   echo "<table style='border:2px solid black;' align=center width=600>";
   echo "<tr><th width=400> Amount Collected</th></tr>";

$conn = new mysqli("localhost","root","","cqfos");///use mysqli, not mysql : mysql is depricated
if ($conn->mysqli)
  exit ("Connection error: ".$conn->errno ." : " $conn->error);
else {
    //put query in a variable $query
    $eDay = $conn->mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['day']);//escape these to protect the database
    $eMonth = $conn->mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['month']);;//escape these to protect the database
    //your column name is probably not a rounded value, replaced it with * (return all columns)
    $query= "select * from orders JOIN orderdetails ON orders.orderID = orderdetails.orderID WHERE DAY( = '"
    .$eDay."' AND MONTH( = '".$eMonth."'";

      exit ("Invalid query: ".$conn->errno ." : " $conn->error);
        //if record exists
    else {
      $numericArray = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);     //fetch a result row as numeric array
      $associativeArray = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC); //fetch as an associtive array this is not used, just an example
      $bothArray = $result->fetch_array(MYSQL_BOTH); //both associtive and numeric this is not used, just an example
      foreach ($numericArray as $value) {
        echo "<tr><td>RM ".$value[0]."</td><tr>";//is there more then 1 col? if not you should consider an html list
    } else {
      echo "<tr><td>No sales made</td><tr>";


答案 2 :(得分:0)

只是让你知道你的代码容易受到SQLi攻击,因为你没有清理$ day和$ month。还please consider using PDO

如果您还没有 - 尝试将SQL语句运行到PHPMyAdmin并查看它输出错误的位置(如果有),否则它将输出数据。*
