
时间:2013-09-19 19:19:44

标签: xml vb.net file-locking xmldataprovider


Partial Class MainWindow

  'XmlData As XmlDataProvider - Declared in MainWindow.xaml
  Private m_FileName As String = Nothing
  Private m_FileNumber As Integer

  Public Sub OpenFile(fileName As String)
    If m_FileName IsNot Nothing Then CloseFile()

    m_FileName = fileName
    m_FileNumber = FreeFile
    FileOpen(m_FileNumber, m_FileName, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.LockWrite)
    XmlData.Source = New Uri(m_FileName)
    ' IOException: The process cannot access the file "C:\path\filename.xml" because it is already in use by a different process.
    ' I translated the error message, I hope you know which one I mean.
  End Sub

  Public Sub CloseFile()
    If m_FileName Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

    XmlData.Source = Nothing
    m_FileName = Nothing
  End Sub
End Class


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