$leccom = mysql_query("select Lec_ID, Lec_Name from lecturer") or die(mysql_error());
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($leccom)) {
$name = $result[Lec_Name];
$id_leccom = $result[Lec_ID];
echo "<option value='$id_leccom'> $name</option>";
mysql_select_db('lms', mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '')) or die(mysql_error());
// Function to sanitize values received from the form. Prevents SQL injection
function clean($str) {
$str = @trim($str);
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
$str = stripslashes($str);
return mysql_real_escape_string($str);
// Sanitize the POST values
$filedesc = clean($_POST['pdesc']);
$fname = clean($_POST['Pre_Name']);
$com = clean($_post[$id_Leccom]);
echo $_post['comselection'];
// $subject= clean($_POST['upname']);
// upload random name/number
$rd2 = mt_rand(1000, 9999) . "_File";
// Check that we have a file
if ((!empty($_FILES["uploaded_file"])) && ($_FILES['uploaded_file']['error'] == 0))
// Check if the file is JPEG image and it's size is less than 350Kb
$filename = basename($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']);
$ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, '.') + 1);
if (($ext != "exe") && ($_FILES["uploaded_file"]["type"] != "application/x-msdownload"))
// Determine the path to which we want to save this file
// $newname = dirname(__FILE__).'/upload/'.$filename;
$newname = "uploads/" . $rd2 . "-" . $filename;
// Check if the file with the same name is already exists on the server
// Attempt to move the uploaded file to it's new place
if ((move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded_file']['tmp_name'], $newname)))
// successful upload
// echo "It's done! The file has been saved as: ".$newname;
// echo "$filedesc,$newname,$fname,$comlec";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `lms`.`presentation` (`Pre_Name` ,`Path` ,`PLec_ID` ,`pdatein` ,`pdesc`) values ('$fname','$newname','1',NOW(),'$filedesc')") or die("failed");
// mysql_query("INSERT INTO presentation (pdesc,path,pdatein,Pre_Name,plec_id) VALUES ('$filedesc','$newname',NOW(),'$fname','$comlec')") or die("query failed");
// mysql_query("INSERT INTO presentation ('pdesc','path','Pre_Name','PLec_ID') values ('$filedesc','$newname','$fname','$comlec')") ;
header("location: fileupload.php");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
$name = $result['Lec_Name'];
$id_leccom = $result['Lec_ID'];
echo "<option value='".$id_leccom."'>$name</option>";