任何人都可以告诉我如何使用多个值制作这样的ajax post方法,以及如果ajax post request成功,如何更改图像按钮?在我的PHP脚本中应该添加什么,以便ajax知道数据是否已成功插入到mysql db?
function postLike(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) {
//after sussceffuly insert to mysql i want to change image button to this
$('#like12').html(" <img class='lb-liked' onclick='deleteLike("" + b + "")' src='/liked.png' title='like' border='0' />");
<div id="like12" style="float: left; padding: 10px 2px 2px;">
<img class="liker" onclick='postLike("http://somesite.com/12345.jpg","stacy","http://somesite.com/season_456565656.jpg","123456789","http://somesite.com/abddef/","98765432","cool season")' src="./like.png" border="0">
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// post as array
$.post(url, "val[]=" + a + "&val[]=" + b
// post as separate values
$.post(url, "val1=" + a + "&val2=" + b
// post as JSON string
$.post(url, "values=" + JSON.stringify([a,b,c,d,e,f])
答案 1 :(得分:0)
$.post(url,{val1: a, val2: b},function(data){
// success
<div id="button" style="background-color:#000;width:30px;height:30px;"></div>