我目前正在开发一个允许用户上传图片的脚本,没有太复杂的只需几行简单的代码。无论如何,昨晚一切都像魅力一样,现在惊喜突然,奇怪的事情开始发生,因为谁知道是什么原因。也就是说,重要的是要注意我使用 jQuery Form Plugin 异步传递值,并且该部分一直运行良好,因此我不会发布该部分代码。
<cfcomponent output="false">
<cffunction name="test" access="remote" output="false">
<cfparam name="form.title" type="string" default="">
<cfparam name="form.File" type="string" default="">
<cfset add.Msg = ArrayNew(1)>
<!---check if text is added and whether it contains more than 15 characters--->
<cfif len (trim(form.title)) is 0>
<cfset ArrayAppend(add.Msg,"plese enter some text")>
<cfelseif len (trim(form.title)) lt 15>
<cfset ArrayAppend(add.Msg,"text should be at least 15 characters long")>
<!---check if text contains special characters--->
<!--additionally we can allow other characters-->
<cfif refind ("[^A-Z a-z 0-9\\+]+", form.title) and len (trim(form.title)) gte 15>
<cfset ArrayAppend(add.Msg,"your post can not conatin special characters")>
<!---check to see if file has been submited--->
<cfif len(form.File) is 0>
<cfset ArrayAppend(add.Msg,"you haven't selected a file")>
<!---if there are no errors try to upload file to temp--->
<cfif ArrayLen (add.Msg) is 0>
<cffile action="upload" nameconflict="makeunique" destination="#GetTempDirectory()#" filefield="File">
<!---check file size--->
<cfif (CFFILE.FileSize GT (100 * 1024))>
<cfset ArrayAppend(add.Msg,"#CFFILE.FileSize#you can not upload files bigger than 1MB")>
<!---try to delete the file--->
<cffile action="delete" file="#CFFILE.ServerDirectory#\#CFFILE.ServerFile#">
<!--we dan catch an error , though it would crash the page-->
<!---check file extension with aditional layer of protection for just in case--->
<cfif not ListFindnoCase("jpg,jpeg,png,gif",CFFILE.ServerFileExt)
or not isImageFile("#GetTempDirectory()##CFFILE.ServerFile#")>
<cfset ArrayAppend(add.Msg,"#CFFILE.ServerFileExt#you can only upload jpg,png or gif images.")>
<!---try to delete the file--->
<cffile action="delete" file="#CFFILE.ServerDirectory#\#CFFILE.ServerFile#">
<!--again we can catch an error, though it would crash the page-->
<!--if there was an error we could log it, though that would crash the page-->
<cfif ArrayLen (add.Msg) is 0>
<cfset ArrayAppend(add.Msg,"#CFFILE.ServerFile# - yay! success")>
<cfreturn serializeJSON(add.Msg)>
var options = {
beforeSend: function() { /* something will go here */ },
uploadProgress: function(event, position, total, percentComplete) { /* maybe in here */ },
success: function(data)
/*test */
return false;*/
complete: function(response)
/* test */
return false;
error: function(error)
return false;*/
<form id="JqAjaxForm" action="cfc/tests.cfc?method=test" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我发现了一个问题,并且能够自己解决问题。 无论如何,我的初步计算不正确,CFFILE.FileSize GT(100 * 1024)不是1MB而是100kb所以它应该是CFFILE.FileSize GT(1000 * 1024)。如果需要,请随意使用上面的代码。