我在WIN XP中安装了sphinx,我不知道我安装成功了。 sphinx配置文件的内容如下,位置为f:/sphinx/sphinx.conf。
1)sphinx的目录:f:/ sphinx /,配置文件的路径:f:/sphinx/shpinx.conf
2)数据库:tbdb.ratedat。 sphinx vesion:sphinx-for-chinese-2.1.0-dev-r3361-win32.zip
3)Apache / 2.4.4(win32)PHP / 5.4.16,MYSQL版本:5.6.12
source srcDB
type = mysql
sql_host = localhost
sql_user = root
sql_pass = zbphp.com~$
sql_db = tbdb
sql_port = 3306
sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
#sql_query_pre = SET SESSION query_cache_type=OFF
sql_query = \
SELECT trade_id,trade_time,goods_title,goods_price,uid_buy,uid_sell \
FROM ratedat
sql_attr_bigint = trade_id
sql_attr_bigint = uid_buy
sql_attr_bigint = uid_sell
sql_attr_timestamp = trade_time
sql_attr_string = goods_title
sql_attr_string = rate_txt
sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM ratedat WHERE trade_id=$id
index goods_title
source = srcDB
path = F:/sphinx/data/ratedat.goods_title
charset_type = utf-8
html_strip = 1
mem_limit = 128M
listen = 9312
listen = 9306:mysql41
log = F:/sphinx/log/searchd.log
query_log = F:/sphinx/log/query.log
read_timeout = 5
max_children = 30
pid_file = F:/sphinx/log/searchd.pid
max_matches = 1000
seamless_rotate = 1
preopen_indexes = 1
unlink_old = 1
workers = threads # for RT to work
binlog_path = F:/sphinx/data
net stop SphinxSearch
sc delete SphinxSearch
del /s/q %cd%\log\*.*
del /s/q %cd%\data\*.*
%cd%\bin\searchd --install --config %cd%\sphinx.conf --servicename SphinxSearch
%cd%\bin\indexer -c %cd%\sphinx.conf --all
net start SphinxSearch
F:\sphinx>net stop SphinxSearch
SphinxSearch 服务正在停止..
SphinxSearch 服务已成功停止。
F:\sphinx>sc delete SphinxSearch
[SC] DeleteService SUCCESS
F:\sphinx>del /s/q F:\sphinx\log\*.*
delfile - F:\sphinx\log\query.log
delfile - F:\sphinx\log\searchd.log
F:\sphinx>del /s/q F:\sphinx\data\*.*
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\binlog.001
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\binlog.meta
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spa
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spd
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spe
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.sph
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spi
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spk
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spm
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.spp
delfile - F:\sphinx\data\ratedat.goods_title.sps
F:\sphinx>F:\sphinx\bin\searchd --install --config F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf --servi
cename SphinxSearch
sphinx-for-chinese 2.1.0-dev (r3361)
Copyright (c) 2008-2012, sphinx-search.com
Installing service...
Service 'SphinxSearch' installed succesfully.
F:\sphinx>F:\sphinx\bin\indexer -c F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf --all
sphinx-for-chinese 2.1.0-dev (r3361)
Copyright (c) 2008-2012, sphinx-search.com
using config file 'F:\sphinx\sphinx.conf'...
indexing index 'goods_title'...
WARNING: attribute 'trade_id' not found - IGNORING
WARNING: source srcDB: skipped 10378355 document(s) with DOCID_MAX ids
collected 176464 docs, 12.1 MB
sorted 0.7 Mhits, 100.0% done
total 176464 docs, 12144715 bytes
total 37.745 sec, 321754 bytes/sec, 4675.12 docs/sec
total 2 reads, 0.007 sec, 4604.6 kb/call avg, 3.9 msec/call avg
total 19 writes, 0.360 sec, 950.7 kb/call avg, 18.9 msec/call avg
F:\sphinx>net start SphinxSearch
SphinxSearch starting...
SphinxSearch start successed
please press any key to continue. . .
require ( "sphinxapi.php" );
$s = new SphinxClient();
$rst = $s->Query('电脑');
SphinxClient Object
[_host] => localhost
[_port] => 9312
[_offset] => 0
[_limit] => 20
[_mode] => 0
[_weights] => Array
[_sort] => 0
[_sortby] =>
[_min_id] => 0
[_max_id] => 0
[_filters] => Array
[_groupby] =>
[_groupfunc] => 0
[_groupsort] => @group desc
[_groupdistinct] =>
[_maxmatches] => 1000
[_cutoff] => 0
[_retrycount] => 0
[_retrydelay] => 0
[_anchor] => Array
[_indexweights] => Array
[_ranker] => 0
[_rankexpr] =>
[_maxquerytime] => 0
[_fieldweights] => Array
[_overrides] => Array
[_select] => *
[_error] =>
[_warning] =>
[_connerror] =>
[_reqs] => Array
[_mbenc] =>
[_arrayresult] =>
[_timeout] => 0
[_path] =>
[_socket] =>
[error] =>
[warning] =>
[status] => 0
[fields] => Array
[0] => goods_title
[1] => goods_price
[attrs] => Array
[trade_time] => 2
[uid_buy] => 6
[uid_sell] => 6
[total] => 0
[total_found] => 0
[time] => 0.000
答案 0 :(得分:0)
请参阅 http://sphinxsearch.com/forum/view.html?id=11468