
时间:2013-09-05 19:17:11

标签: javascript jquery arrays object

jsFiddle - >

我是菜鸟 - 我知道我的脚本效率低下,但我正在研究它。我有一个对象数组设置,如:

var SatWaterMetric = [


 function interpolate(myval, unit) {

    if (unit == "T") {
        for (var i=0;i<SatWaterMetric.length;i++) {
            if (myval < SatWaterMetric[i].T) {

                T_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].T;
                T_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].T;

                Psat_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].Psat;
                Psat_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].Psat;                    

                vf_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].vf;
                vf_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].vf;

                vg_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].vg;
                vg_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].vg;

                hf_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].hf;
                hf_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].hf;

                hfg_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].hfg;
                hfg_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].hfg;

                hg_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].hg;
                hg_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].hg;

                var factor = (myval - T_low) / (T_high - T_low);

                Psatx = (1 * Psat_low) + ( 1 * factor * (Psat_high - Psat_low));
                vfx = (1 * vf_low) + ( 1 * factor * (vf_high - vf_low)); 
                vgx = (1 * vg_low) + ( 1 * factor * (vg_high - vg_low)); 
                hfx = (1 * hf_low) + ( 1 * factor * (hf_high - hf_low)); 
                hfgx = (1 * hfg_low) + ( 1 * factor * (hfg_high - hfg_low)); 
                hgx = (1 * hg_low) + ( 1 * factor * (hg_high - hg_low));
                Tx = myval;


    } else if (unit == "Psat") {

        //Repeat everything but for Psat

    } else if (unit == "vf") {

        //Repeat everything but for vf

               } else {}



。 jsFiddle - &gt;

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)





答案 1 :(得分:1)




function interpolate(myval, unit) {
            for (var i=0;i<SatWaterMetric.length;i++) {
                if (myval < SatWaterMetric[i][unit]) {

                    T_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].T;
                    T_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].T;

                    Psat_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].Psat;
                    Psat_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].Psat;                    

                    vf_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].vf;
                    vf_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].vf;

                    vg_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].vg;
                    vg_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].vg;

                    hf_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].hf;
                    hf_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].hf;

                    hfg_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].hfg;
                    hfg_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].hfg;

                    hg_low = SatWaterMetric[i-2].hg;
                    hg_high = SatWaterMetric[i-1].hg;

                    var factor = (myval - T_low) / (T_high - T_low);

                    Psatx = (1 * Psat_low) + ( 1 * factor * (Psat_high - Psat_low));
                    vfx = (1 * vf_low) + ( 1 * factor * (vf_high - vf_low)); 
                    vgx = (1 * vg_low) + ( 1 * factor * (vg_high - vg_low)); 
                    hfx = (1 * hf_low) + ( 1 * factor * (hf_high - hf_low)); 
                    hfgx = (1 * hfg_low) + ( 1 * factor * (hfg_high - hfg_low)); 
                    hgx = (1 * hg_low) + ( 1 * factor * (hg_high - hg_low));
                    Tx = myval;


答案 2 :(得分:1)



首先,通过稍微更改标记,所有输入字段ID将具有相同的模式“txt”+ key.toLowerCase():

<input type='text' size='8' id='txtt'/>


var highLow = {
    T:    {},
    Psat: {magnitude: 100000},
    vf:   {magnitude: 10000000},
    vg:   {magnitude: 100000},
    hf:   {magnitude: 10000},
    hg:   {magnitude: 100},
    hfg:  {magnitude: 100}


// Note 1: Started loop at 2 to avoid undefined array values
// Note 2: the redundant loops could be reduced by calculating T first
function interpolate(myval, unit) {
    var key, cur, factor;

    var highLow = {/*see above*/};

    for (var i = 2; i < SatWaterMetric.length; i++) {
        if (myval < SatWaterMetric[i][unit]) {
            for (key in highLow) {
                highLow[key].low = SatWaterMetric[i - 2][key];
                highLow[key].high = SatWaterMetric[i - 1][key];

            factor = (myval - highLow.T.low) / (highLow.T.high - highLow.T.low);

            for (key in highLow) {
                cur = highLow[key];

                // This is T
                if (!cur.magnitude) {
                    cur.result = myval;
                } else {
                    cur.result = (1 * cur.low) + (1 * factor * (cur.high - cur.low));

    for (key in highLow) {
        cur = highLow[key];
        $('#txt' + key.toLowerCase()).val(Math.round(cur.result * (cur.magnitude || 1)) / (cur.magnitude || 1));

Demo jsFiddle


Demo jsFiddle


// Generates a result for display using the provided magnitude to 
// format the calculated value.
function calcFn(T, factor, low, high, magnitude) {
    var retVal = (1 * low) + (1 * factor * (high - low));

    return Math.round(retVal * (magnitude || 1)) / (magnitude || 1);

var highLow = {
    // Initializing T with a calc function that just returns the passed in value
    // This makes the calc/display loop much simpler
    T:    { calc:   function(T) { return T; }, 
            factor: function(T, low, high) { return (T - low) / (high - low); } },

    // All other metrics will use calcFn
    Psat: { magnitude:   100000, calc: calcFn },
    vf:   { magnitude: 10000000, calc: calcFn },
    vg:   { magnitude:   100000, calc: calcFn },
    hf:   { magnitude:    10000, calc: calcFn },
    hg:   { magnitude:      100, calc: calcFn },
    hfg:  { magnitude:      100, calc: calcFn }

// Note: Started loop at 2 to avoid undefined array values
function interpolate(myval, unit) {
    var key, cur, factor, result, high, low;

    for (var i = 2; i < SatWaterMetric.length; i++) {
        if (myval < SatWaterMetric[i][unit]) {
            // T is in slot 0
            factor = highLow.T.factor(myval, SatWaterMetric[i - 2].T, SatWaterMetric[i - 1].T);

            // Now we can simply loop through all metrics using the assigned calc function to 
            // generate a result for display.
            for(key in highLow) {
                cur    = highLow[key];
                low    = SatWaterMetric[i - 2][key];
                high   = SatWaterMetric[i - 1][key];
                result = cur.calc(myval, factor, low, high, cur.magnitude);

                $('#txt' + key.toLowerCase()).val(result);
