您好我在将HTML转换为PDF时遇到了这个错误 这是我的HTML:
String html = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"
+ "<html>"
+ "<head><style>"
+ "@font-face { "
+ " src: url(arial.ttf); "
+ " -fs-pdf-font-embed: embed; "
+ " -fs-pdf-font-encoding: Identity-H;}"
+ "html *"
+ "{font-size: 11px;"
+ " font-family: Arial;}"
+ "</style></head>"
+ "<body>"
+ "<div id=\"logo\" class=\"media\" data-src=\"gsis.PNG\" style=\"width: 90px; height: 90px\" ></div>"
+ "<p style=\"text-align: center; line-height: 90%; \">Statement of Members Account</p>"
+ "<p style=\"text-align: center; line-height: 90%; \">Premium and Loan Account Balances Index</p>"
+ "<p style=\"text-align: center; line-height: 90%; \">As of "+ dateFormat.format(date) +"</p>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<table style=\"width: 100%;\">"
+ var1
+ "</table>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<hr></hr>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<p>This is the summary of your premium and loan account balances on record with GSIS as of "+ dateFormat.format(date) +"."
+ " To view a more updated summary and detailed account balances, you can go to "
+ "<span style=\"color: #0000ff; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline;\">www.gsis.gov.ph</span> and log-on to eGSISMO."
+ "</p>"
+ "<p>In case of any discrepancy, please coordinate with your Personnel/Accounting Office to facilitate reconciliation of your record"
+ "and accounts with GSIS.</p>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<table border=\"1\" style=\"width: 100%; \">"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td>Policy Type</td>"
+ "<td>Policy Number/Insurance Account</td>"
+ "<td>Due</td>"
+ "<td>Interest</td>"
+ "<td>Total</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ var2
+ "</table>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<table border=\"1\" style=\"width: 100%; \">"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td>Loan Type</td>"
+ "<td>Contract Account</td>"
+ "<td>Date Loan Granted</td>"
+ "<td>Gross Loan Amount</td>"
+ "<td>Monthly Amort</td>"
+ "<td>Total Repayment</td>"
+ "<td>Principal Balance</td>"
+ "<td>Interest/Surcharge</td>"
+ "<td>Outstanding Balance</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ var3
+ "<br></br>"
+ "</table>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "III. Period with Premium Payment (PPP)"
+ "<table cellpadding=\"10\" border=\"1\" style=\"width: 100%; \">"
+ var4
+ "</table>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<br></br>"
+ "<p>A. Total Length of Service is the total number of years, months, days you are in government service.</p>"
+ "<p>B. Total Leave of Absence WITHOUT Pay (LWOP) is the period of time where no actual service was rendered "
+ "and paid. As such, premium payment for said period of time is not required. In which case, the period is not "
+ "considered in the computation of total length of service.</p>"
+ "<p>C. Actual Length of Service is the Total Length of Service less Total Leave of Absence WITHOUT Pay</p>"
+ "<p>D. Actual Length of Service WITH Posted Premium Payment (PPP) is the number of years in service"
+ " wherein correct premium payments have been paid and posted.</p>"
+ "<p>E. Actual Length of Service WITHOUT Posted Premium Payment (PPP) is the number of years in service "
+ "that do not have premium payments. This is subject to reconciliation with the member and agency record.</p>"
+ "<p>F. Equivalent Salary Based on Posted Premium Payment is the salary which had paid premium payment. This "
+ "salary will be used in the computation of gross loan amount.</p>"
+ "</body>"
+ "</html>";
ERROR: 'The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.'
org.xhtmlrenderer.util.XRRuntimeException: Can't load the XML resource (using TRaX transformer). org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.
String var1 = "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left; width: 80px; \">Name:</td>"
+ "<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"width: 60%;\">" + fullName + "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left; width: 80px; \">Address:</td>"
+ "<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"width: 60%;\">" + address + "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left; width: 80px; \">Agency:</td>"
+ "<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"width: 60%;\">" + agencyName + "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left; width: 80px; \"></td>"
+ "<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"width: 60%;\">" + agencyAddress + "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left; width: 80px; \">Date of Birth:</td>"
+ "<td style=\"width: 60%;\">" + dob + "</td>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left;\">CRN:</td>"
+ "<td>" + crn + "</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left; width: 80px; \">BP No:</td>"
+ "<td style=\"width: 60%;\">" + bp + "</td>"
+ "<td style=\"align: left;\">ID No:</td>"
+ "<td>" + id + "</td>"
+ "</tr>";
String var2 = "<tr>"
+ "<td>" + policyType + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + policyNumber + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + personalShare + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + psLifeInterest + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + psTotal + "</td>"
+ "</tr>";
String var3 = null;
var3 += "<tr>"
+ "<td>" + loanType + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + contract + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + dateLoanGrancted + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + grossAmt + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + totAmortAmt + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + totRepaymentAmt + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + obPrincipalAmt + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + intSurAmt + "</td>"
+ "<td>" + obTotAmt + "</td>"
+ "</tr>";
String var4 = "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"width:10px;\">A</td>"
+ "<td style=\"width:60%;\">Total Length of Service (TLS) in Years</td>"
+ "<td>"+tls+"</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"width:10px;\">B</td>"
+ "<td style=\"width:60%;\">Total Leave Of Absence Without Pay (LWOP) in Years</td>"
+ "<td>"+lwop+"</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"width:10px;\">C</td>"
+ "<td style=\"width:60%;\">Actual Length of Service</td>"
+ "<td>"+als+"</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"width:10px;\">D</td>"
+ "<td style=\"width:60%;\">Actual Length of Period WITH Premium Payment (PPP)</td>"
+ "<td>"+rcs+"</td>"
+ "</tr>"
+ "<tr>"
+ "<td style=\"width:10px;\">E</td>"
+ "<td style=\"width:60%;\">Actual Length of Period WITHOUT Premium Payment</td>"
+ "<td>"+rcso+"</td>"
+ "</tr>";
我还调查了我得到的数据,并且没有任何形式的&符号(&amp;)。 对此感到困惑。如果有任何&符号(&amp;),我也会搜索我的代码,但我什么也没找到。
'2000133249','NERA','A','GALAN',,'NERA A GALAN ','BICOL UNIV COLLEGE OF NURSING','LEGASPI CITY ALBAY','1000000853','1969-03-25','March 25, 1969','69032501435','006000188531','COMPULSORY','PUROK 4 ROVER SUBD TUGOS CITY OF SORSOGON SORSOGON',,'00000010000003138060','CM00003730951',13170.24,17560.32,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,,,,,,,,,,0E-8,,0E-8,
答案 0 :(得分:0)
。 (例如,它可能是“Smith&amp; Jones”的商业名称。当然,我们不知道这些变量中的含义过于通用的名称。)
这就是为什么你应该使用XML API构建XML,它可以为你执行任何适当的转义。这与使用字符串连接来构建包含用户输入而不是使用参数化SQL的SQL语句基本相同 - 它的形式略有不同。