在Python中解析Nginx的http_userid_module cookie

时间:2013-09-02 18:39:17

标签: python nginx binary-data

我已经设置了nginx用户ID模块,以便在对服务器进行匿名跟踪的请求时生成uid cookie。虽然设置cookie时所有内容都按预期进行,但我无法弄清楚应该如何解析这些cookie(在Python中)进一步分析。



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

import base64
import socket
import struct

def decode_cookie(cookie):
    """decode a u cookie into an uid

    :param cookie: a cookie value that will be decoded into a uid
    :return: string representing the uid

    This algorithm is for version 2 of http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpUseridModule.

    This nginx module follows the apache mod_uid module algorithm, which is
    documented here: http://www.lexa.ru/programs/mod-uid-eng.html.

    # get the raw binary value
    binary_cookie = base64.b64decode(cookie)

    # unpack into 4 parts, each a network byte orderd 32 bit unsigned int
    unsigned_ints = struct.unpack('!4I', binary_cookie)

    # convert from network (big-endian) to host byte (probably little-endian) order
    host_byte_order_ints = [socket.ntohl(i) for i in unsigned_ints]

    # convert to upper case hex value
    uid = 'u=' + ''.join(['{0:08X}'.format(h) for h in host_byte_order_ints])

    return uid

def encode_uid(uid):
    """encode an uid into a u cookie

    :param uid: an uid that will be encoded into a cookie.
    :return: string representing the u cookie

    The algorithm is for version 2 of http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpUseridModule.

    This nginx module follows the apache mod_uid module algorithm, which is
    documented here: http://www.lexa.ru/programs/mod-uid-eng.html.

    # get the hex value of the uid
    hex_value = uid.split('=')[1]

    # convert 128 bit string into 4 32 bit integers
    host_byte_order_ints = [int(hex_value[i:i+8], 16) for i in range(0, 32, 8)]

    # convert from host byte (probably little-endian) to network byte (big-endian) order
    unsigned_ints = [socket.htonl(i) for i in host_byte_order_ints]

    # convert to raw binary value
    binary_cookie = struct.pack('!4I', *unsigned_ints)

    # get the base64 version of the cookie
    cookie = base64.b64encode(binary_cookie)

    return cookie

答案 1 :(得分:0)

@ d3w4rd在PHP中的回复,以防万一有人正在寻找它。

class NginxUniqid
    public static function decodeCookie($cookie)
        return strtoupper(join('', array_map(function ($e) {
            return str_pad(
                base_convert($e, 10, 16),
                8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT
        }, unpack('I4', base64_decode($cookie)))));

    public static function encodeUid($hex)
        return base64_encode(pack(
            base_convert(substr($hex, 0, 8), 16, 10),
            base_convert(substr($hex, 8, 8), 16, 10),
            base_convert(substr($hex, 16, 8), 16, 10),
            base_convert(substr($hex, 24, 8), 16, 10)