
时间:2013-08-30 21:12:37

标签: sql oracle variables binding

我试图运行的查询是我通常只在一个直接的SQL窗口(使用PL / SQL开发人员)和&获取提示值。

我想在PL / SQL中编写一个函数/程序,它将从一个查询中提取值列表(也在for循环中使用此查询)并逐个在第二个查询中运行这些值,然后返回那些值并输出它们。




skunumber integer;
scounter integer;

function get_case_count (skunum integer)
  return integer

  numcases integer := 0;
dbms_output.put_line('before SQL');  

select total - (tcaseacp - sum(pickamt)-numlockstock-numlockloc-numlostcase-numqdcase-qainvreserve)- sum(pickamt) - sum(scratched) - sum(filled) into numcases
(select SKU, dscr,  requant total,   (retreserved+preres) pickamt, fulfilled filled,
     case when trays is null then 0 else trays end trays,
     case when reasoncode is null then 0 else (requested - retreserved - fulfilled - preres) end scratched,
      case when totcasesacp is null then 0 else totcasesacp end tcaseacp,
      case when numlockstock is null then 0 else numlockstock end numlockstock,
      case when numlockloc is null then 0 else numlockloc end numlockloc,
     case when totcaserec is null then 0 else totcaserec end totcaserec,
     case when totcasetr is null then 0 else totcasetr end totcasetr,
     case when numlostcase is null then 0 else numlostcase end numlostcase,
     case when numqdcase is null then 0 else numqdcase end numqdcase,
     case when qainvreserve is null then 0 else qainvreserve end qainvreserve

      (select    mat.externalidentifier SKU, mat.description dscr,   rol.requestedquantity requested,
                   rol.fulfilledquantity fulfilled,
                   case when resamount is null then   0  else  resamount  end retreserved,
                   case when quant is null then   0 else  quant  end preres,
                   rol.reasoncode reasoncode                       
              from ant.wmsretrievalorderline rol
              join ant.wmsretrievalorder ro
                on rol.retrievalorder_id = ro.id
              join ant.wmsmaterial mat
                on rol.material_id = mat.id
              left join (select res.retrievalorderline_id roid,
                               count(res.amount) resamount
                          from ant.wmsreservation res
                         group by res.retrievalorderline_id)
                on roid = rol.id
              left join (select preres.retrievalorderline_id rid,
                               sum(preres.prereservedquantity) quant
                          from ant.wmsretrievalprereservation preres
                          group by preres.retrievalorderline_id)
                on rid = rol.id
             where ro.retrievalstate in (4,6,10) 

            ) retrievalreserved
             right join (select m.externalidentifier SKUS,
                       sum(rl.requestedquantity) requant
                  from ant.wmsretrievalorderline rl
                  join ant.wmsmaterial m
                    on rl.material_id = m.id
                  group by m.externalidentifier) requested
                 on SKUS = SKU
              left join
              (select mat.externalidentifier SKURES, sum(res.amount) qainvreserve from ant.wmsreservation res
              join ant.wmsstockitem si
              on res.stockitem_id = si.id
              join ant.wmsmaterial mat
              on mat.id = si.material_id
              where res.retrievalorderline_id is null
              group by mat.externalidentifier)
              on SKU = SKURES                         
             left join
      (select mat.externalidentifier SKUC, sum(s.amount) totcasesacp
         from ant.wmsstockitem s
         join ant.wmsmaterial mat
           on s.material_id = mat.id
           join ant.wmsloadunit lu
           on s.loadunit_id = lu.id
           where s.owner = 0
           and substr(lu.barcode,1,2) != 'CA'
        group by mat.externalidentifier)totcases
        on SKUC = SKU
        left join
        (select mat.externalidentifier SKUT, count(si.loadunit_id) trays from ant.wmsstockitem si 
                join ant.wmsloadunit lu on
                lu.id = si.loadunit_id
                join ant.wmsmaterial mat on
                si.material_id = mat.id
            where lu.loadunittype_id = '6008' and si.owner = '0'
            group by mat.externalidentifier
          on SKUT = SKU
         left join
         (select SKUBB, sum(qdnostock) numqdcase, sum(expstock) numexpcase
         from(select SKUBB, case when inwindow = 'no' then namt+n3amt else 0 end qdnostock,
         case when expired = 'yes' then amt else 0 end expstock
         from(select SKUBB, case when (bbd < sysdate and (qdwin < '999') and sg != 'GOCCaustic') then 'yes' else 'no' end expired,
          nvl(substr(bbd-nbbd, 7, 4), 0) datediff,case when substr(bbd-nbbd, 7, 4) > qdwin then 'no' else 'yes' end inwindow, 
           amt, nvl(namt, 0)namt, nvl(n3amt, 0) n3amt from
           (select mat.externalidentifier SKUBB, qdwin, sg, si.bestbeforedate bbd, lead(si.bestbeforedate, 1) over (order by si.bestbeforedate asc) nbbd,
           sum(si.amount) amt, lead(sum(si.amount), 1) over (order by si.bestbeforedate) namt, lead(sum(si.amount),2) over (order by si.bestbeforedate) n3amt
           from ant.wmsstockitem si
           join ant.wmsmaterial mat
           on si.material_id = mat.id
           join ant.wmsloadunit lu
           on si.loadunit_id = lu.id
           left join
           (select  distinct(rol.qdwindow) qdwin, mat.externalidentifier SKUQD, rol.shippinggroup sg
           from ant.wmsretrievalorderline rol 
           join ant.wmsmaterial mat
           on mat.id = rol.material_id

           on SKUQD=mat.externalidentifier
           where lu.loadunittype_id = '6008'
           and si.owner = '0'
           and mat.externalidentifier = skunum
           group by mat.externalidentifier, qdwin, sg, si.bestbeforedate)
           where substr(bbd-nbbd, 7, 4) is not null
           ))group by SKUBB)
         on SKUBB = SKU
         left join 
         (select mat.externalidentifier SKUL, sum(s.amount) numlockstock
         from ant.wmsstockitem s
         join ant.wmsmaterial mat
           on s.material_id = mat.id
           join ant.wmsloadunit lu
           on s.loadunit_id = lu.id
           join ant.wmslocation l
           on lu.location_id = l.id
           where s.owner = 0
           and substr(l.name, 1, 2) in ('TS','CW')
           and s.id in (select distinct ll.stockitem_id sid from
           ant.wmslogisticlock ll where ll.logisticlockreason != '125')
        group by mat.externalidentifier
        order by SKUL)lockedstock
        on SKUL = SKU
        left join
        (select mat.externalidentifier SKULL, sum(s.amount) numlockloc
         from ant.wmsstockitem s
         join ant.wmsmaterial mat
           on s.material_id = mat.id
           join ant.wmsloadunit lu
           on s.loadunit_id = lu.id
           join ant.wmslocation l
           on lu.location_id = l.id
           where s.owner = 0
           and substr(l.name, 1, 2) in ('TS','CW')
           and (l.id in 
           (select fa.wmslocation_id from ant.failoverlock flk
           join ant.failoverarea fa
           on flk.failoverarea_id = fa.id)
           or lu.barcode in 
           (select tu.name from ant.mfstransportunit tu
            join ant.mfsstoragelocation sl on tu.storagelocation_id = sl.id
            where sl.id in (select mfsl.storagelocation_id 
            from ant.mfslogisticlock mfsl)))
           group by mat.externalidentifier)lockedloc
        on SKULL = SKU
        left join 
        (select mat.externalidentifier SKUR, sum(s.amount) totcaserec
         from ant.wmsstockitem s
         join ant.wmsmaterial mat
          on s.material_id = mat.id
          join ant.wmsloadunit lu
          on s.loadunit_id = lu.id
          join ant.wmslocation l
          on lu.location_id = l.id
           where s.owner = 0
           and substr(l.name, 1, 2) not in ('TS','CW', 'Ou')
           and substr(l.name, 1, 6) != 'LOC_PP'
           and l.name != 'LOC_GEN_LOST'
           and lu.barcode like '____________________'
        group by mat.externalidentifier
        on SKUR=SKU
        left join
        (select mat.externalidentifier SKUTFR, sum(s.amount) totcasetr
         from ant.wmsstockitem s
         join ant.wmsmaterial mat
          on s.material_id = mat.id
          join ant.wmsloadunit lu
          on s.loadunit_id = lu.id
          join ant.wmslocation l
          on lu.location_id = l.id
          left join ant.wmslogisticlock ll
          on ll.stockitem_id = s.id
           where s.owner = 0
           and substr(l.name, 1, 2) not in ('TS','CW', 'Ou')
           and substr(l.name, 1, 6) != 'LOC_PP'
           and l.name != 'LOC_GEN_LOST'
           and lu.barcode like '________'
           and ll.logisticlockreason = 'Initial Putaway lock for inbound'
        group by mat.externalidentifier
        on SKUTFR = SKU
        left join
        (select mat.externalidentifier SKULO, sum(s.amount) numlostcase
         from ant.wmsstockitem s
         join ant.wmsmaterial mat
           on s.material_id = mat.id
           join ant.wmsloadunit lu
           on s.loadunit_id = lu.id
           join ant.wmslocation l
           on lu.location_id = l.id
           where s.owner = 0
           and l.name = 'LOC_GEN_LOST'
           group by mat.externalidentifier
           order by SKULO)lostcases
        on SKULO = SKU
        where SKU is not null
        where SKU = skunum
        group by SKU,dscr, total, tcaseacp, totcaserec,totcasetr,trays, numlockstock,numlockloc, numlostcase, numqdcase,qainvreserve;

dbms_output.put_line('After SQL');

return numcases;

skunumber := 000000;
scounter := 0;

for skutable in
           (select mat.externalidentifier sku from ant.wmsstockitem si
            join ant.wmsmaterial mat
            on si.material_id = mat.id
            join ant.wmsloadunit lu
            on si.loadunit_id = lu.id
            join ant.wmslocation l
            on lu.location_id = l.id
            where l.name = 'CWL3156')

skunumber := skutable.sku;
scounter := scounter+1;

dbms_output.put_line('sku number ' || scounter || ' is ' || skunumber);

dbms_output.put_line('cases needed for ' ||skunumber|| ' is '||get_case_count(skunumber));

end loop;




- UPDATE 我尝试了第一个答案建议,然后我重写了我的SQL并将第一行写成:

select total - (tcaseacp - sum(pickamt)-numlockstock-numlockloc-numlostcase-numqdcase-qainvreserve)- sum(pickamt) - sum(scratched) - sum(filled) into numcases



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

execute immediate :query_str
   into :numcases
   using :skunum;

这意味着query_str,numcases和skunum是绑定变量,即在PL / SQL之外声明的变量(通常在SQL * Plus中)。

对于PL / SQL变量,您应该简单地写一下:

execute immediate query_str
   into numcases
   using skunum;


select total ...   into numcases
   from ...
   where SKU = skunum
   group by ... ;