
时间:2013-08-27 21:04:56

标签: sql-server tsql while-loop multiple-columns

我正在尝试将增量计数添加到2个单独的字段中。 我在同一个表中有FieldAFieldB,需要按示例中的方式递增 -

FieldA | ID1 | FieldB | ID2
ABC    | 1   | GREEN  | 2
ABC    | 1   | RED    | 3
ABC    | 1   | Yellow | 4
XYZ    | 5   | RED    | 6
DEF    | 7   | GREEN  | 8 
DEF    | 7   | BLUE   | 9


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


declare @table table (FieldA varchar(50), FieldB varchar(50))
insert into @table values

;with [1](fa) as (select distinct FieldA from @table),
[2](fa, id1) as (select fa, row_number() over (order by fa) from [1]),
[3](fa, fb, id2) as (select FieldA, FieldB, row_number() over (partition by FieldA order by FieldB) from @table),
[4](id1, id2, fa, fb, p) as (
    select NULL, id1, fa, NULL, cast(id1 as binary(4)) from [2]
    union all
    select [2].id1, [3].id2, [2].fa, [3].fb, cast([2].id1 as binary(4)) + cast([3].id2 as binary(4))
    from [2] join [3] on [3].fa = [2].fa),
[5] as (select id1, id2, fa, fb, rn=row_number() over (order by p) from [4])
select t.FieldA, [6].rn as ID1, t.FieldB, [7].rn as ID2
from @table t
    join [5] [6] on [6].fa = t.FieldA and [6].fb is NULL
    join [5] [7] on [7].fa = t.FieldA and [7].fb = t.FieldB


FieldA   ID1  FieldB   ID2
-------- ---- -------- -----
ABC      1    GREEN    2
ABC      1    RED      3
ABC      1    Yellow   4
DEF      5    BLUE     6
DEF      5    GREEN    7
XYZ      8    RED      9

答案 1 :(得分:0)


;with a as
select row_number() over (order by (select 1)) rn, FieldA, FieldB
-- replace next row with your table
(values('ABC', 'GREEN'),('ABC', 'RED'),('ABC', 'Yellow'),('XYZ', 'RED'),('DEF', 'GREEN'),('DEF', 'BLUE')) t(FieldA, FieldB)
), b as
select  rn -  dense_rank() over (partition by fieldA order by rn) calc, rn, FieldA, FieldB from a
), c as
select FieldA,
calc+ dense_rank() over (order by calc) ID1,
rn + dense_rank() over (order by calc) ID2 from b
select * from c


FieldA  ID1 FieldB  ID2
ABC     1   GREEN   2
ABC     1   RED     3
ABC     1   Yellow  4
XYZ     5   RED     6
DEF     7   GREEN   8
DEF     7   BLUE    9