如何移动(替换)在运行时创建的TextBox,并按名称引用它们? VBA

时间:2013-08-23 18:15:21

标签: vba textbox runtime



Private Sub moveControls()

    Dim ctl As Control
    Dim cell As TextBox
    Let y = 0
    Let e = 0

    For Each ctl In Me.Controls
        If TypeOf ctl Is TextBox Then
        cell = ctl
            Do While y < years
                Do While e < expenses
                    'Names of the small cells that are in a grid
                    ' which are the expense values
                    If cell.name = "e" & e & "y" & y Then
                        cell.top = cell.top + 19
                    End If
                    'Names of the larger cells on the left under
                    ' "Expenses" which are the expense names
                    If cell.Name = "expenses" & e Then
                        cell.top = cell.top + 19
                    End If
                    e = e + 1
                y = y + 1
        End If
    Next ctl

    'This part of the code executes perfectly
    revenuesframe.top = revenuesframe.top + 19
    expenseslbl.top = expenseslbl.top + 19
    addxpsbutton.top = addxpsbutton.top + 19

End Sub

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