来自GLSL phong着色器的奇怪的镜面反射结果

时间:2013-08-20 04:46:36

标签: opengl glsl phong specular


Strange specular result



#version 330 core

* Phong Shading with with Point Light (Quadratic Attenutation)

//Input vertex data
layout(location = 0) in vec3 vertexPosition_modelSpace;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 vertexUVs;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 vertexNormal_modelSpace;

//Output Data; will be interpolated for each fragment
out vec2 uvCoords;

out vec3 vertexPosition_cameraSpace;
out vec3 vertexNormal_cameraSpace;

uniform mat4 mvMatrix;
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix;
uniform mat3 normalTransformMatrix;

void main()
    vec3 normal = normalize(vertexNormal_modelSpace);

    //Set vertices in clip space
    gl_Position = mvpMatrix * vec4(vertexPosition_modelSpace, 1);

    //Set output for UVs
    uvCoords = vertexUVs;

    //Convert vertex and normal into eye space
    vertexPosition_cameraSpace = mat3(mvMatrix) * vertexPosition_modelSpace;    
    vertexNormal_cameraSpace = normalize(normalTransformMatrix * normal);



#version 330 core

in vec2 uvCoords;

in vec3 vertexPosition_cameraSpace;
in vec3 vertexNormal_cameraSpace;

out vec4 fragColor;

uniform sampler2D diffuseTex;
uniform vec3 lightPosition_cameraSpace;

void main()
    const float materialAmbient = 0.025;    //a touch of ambient

    const float materialDiffuse = 0.65;
    const float materialSpec = 0.35;  

    const float lightPower = 2.0;
    const float specExponent = 2;

    //--------------Set Colors and determine vectors needed for shading-----------------           

    //reflection colors- NOTE- diffuse and ambient reflections will use the texture color
    const vec3 colorSpec = vec3(0,1,0); //Green spec color
    vec3 diffuseColor = texture2D(diffuseTex, uvCoords).rgb;    //Get color from the texture at fragment

    const vec3 lightColor = vec3(1,1,1);        //White light

    //Re-normalize normal vectors : after interpolation they make not be unit length any longer
    vec3 normVertexNormal_cameraSpace = normalize(vertexNormal_cameraSpace);

    //Set camera vec
    vec3 viewVec_cameraSpace = normalize(-vertexPosition_cameraSpace);  //Since its view space, camera at origin

    //Set light vec
    vec3 lightVec_cameraSpace = normalize(lightPosition_cameraSpace - vertexPosition_cameraSpace);

    //Set reflect vect
    vec3 reflectVec_cameraSpace = normalize(reflect(-lightVec_cameraSpace, normVertexNormal_cameraSpace));      //reflect function requires incident vec; from light to vertex

    //----------------Find intensity of each component---------------------

    //Determine Light Intensity
    float distance = abs(length(lightPosition_cameraSpace - vertexPosition_cameraSpace));
    float lightAttenuation = 1.0/( (distance > 0) ? (distance * distance) : 1 );    //Quadratic

    vec3 lightIntensity = lightPower * lightAttenuation * lightColor;

    //Determine Ambient Component
    vec3 ambientComp = materialAmbient * diffuseColor * lightIntensity;

    //Determine Diffuse Component
    float lightDotNormal = max( dot(lightVec_cameraSpace, normVertexNormal_cameraSpace), 0.0 );
    vec3 diffuseComp = materialDiffuse *  diffuseColor * lightDotNormal * lightIntensity;

    vec3 specComp = vec3(0,0,0);
    //Determine Spec Component
    if(lightDotNormal > 0.0)
        float reflectDotView = max( dot(reflectVec_cameraSpace, viewVec_cameraSpace), 0.0 );
        specComp = materialSpec *  colorSpec * pow(reflectDotView, specExponent) * lightIntensity;

    //Add Ambient + Diffuse + Spec
    vec3 phongFragRGB = ambientComp + 
          diffuseComp + 

    //----------------------Putting it together-----------------------

    //Out Frag color
    fragColor = vec4(  phongFragRGB, 1);





编辑:好的,它现在正在工作!正如jozxyqk在下面建议的那样,我需要对我的顶点位置进行mat4 * vec4操作或丢失翻译信息。当我第一次做出改变时,我得到了奇怪的结果,直到我意识到我在我的OpenGL代码中为lightPosition_cameraSpace犯了同样的错误,然后才将它传递给着色器(错误是我将视图矩阵转换为mat3用于计算而不是将光位置矢量设置为vec4)。编辑完这些线后,着色器似乎正常工作!谢谢你的帮助,jozxqk!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. “vertexPosition_cameraSpace = mat3(mvMatrix)* vertexPosition_modelSpace”应该是mat4 / vec4(x,y,z,1)的乘法,否则它会忽略modelview矩阵的平移部分。
  2. <击> 2。 distance使用相对于相机的光位置而不是顶点。请改用lightVec_cameraSpace。(编辑:错过了重复的计算)