在ETAS INCA中,有没有办法从ASAP2Project中的任意路径快速检索项目?

时间:2013-08-13 16:57:17

标签: .net extension-methods calibration

我正在尝试通过.NET API连接到INCA,以便导航ASAP2项目的文件夹结构。具体来说,我想得到一个代表我在下面突出显示的“目标”文件夹的对象。

enter image description here

这非常棘手 - API提供了大量名为“Folder”的类:FolderAsap2ProjectFolderIncaFolder。那么我需要知道什么才能检索“目标”文件夹?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的第一个冲动可能是将目标文件夹视为存在于USER A\Demo\Demo03\Foo\Bar\Baz\Target之类的长路径上。遗憾的是,INCA没有这样做的机制 - 相反,您必须检索路径的数据库对象部分中的最低项目,然后查询该项目的数据集路径的一部分。


USER A\Demo\Demo03



第一部分非常简单 - 我们可以连接到INCA,只需几行代码即可获得Demo03 Asap2Project:

Asap2ProjectFolder targetFolder = null;
Inca myIncaInstance = new Inca();
DataBase myDB = myIncaInstance.GetCurrentDataBase();
DataBaseItem tempItem = myDB.GetItemInFolder("Demo03", "USER A\\Demo");

if ((tempItem != null) && 
   Asap2Project demoProject = (Asap2Project)tempItem;

   // Next step: grab the "Target folder!"



Asap2ProjectFolder tempProjFolder = demoProject.GetTopFolderNamed("Foo");
tempItem = tempProjFolder.GetDataBaseItem("Bar\\Baz\\Target");  // Won't work.
tempItem = tempProjFolder.GetSubFolder("Bar\\Baz\\Target");     // This won't either.


namespace IncaExtensions
   public static class GetItemInFolderExtensions
      /// <summary>
      /// Gets a DataBaseItem from an Asap2Project in an arbitrary subfolder.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="project">The current Asap2Project</param>
      /// <param name="itemName">The name of the item that we want to retrieve</param>
      /// <param name="folderName">The path, delimited by backslashes ('\\')</param>
      /// <returns>A DataBaseItem matching the request.  
      /// If no matching item is found, or if the path is invalid, return null.
      /// </returns>
      public static DataBaseItem GetItemInFolder(this Asap2Project project, 
                                                 string itemName, 
                                                 string folderName)
         DataBaseItem returnItem = null;

         if ((folderName != null) &&
             (itemName != null))
            string folderToken = PluckPathToken(ref folderName);
            Asap2ProjectFolder subFolder = 

            if (subFolder != null)
               returnItem = subFolder.GetItemInFolder(itemName, folderName); 

         return returnItem;

      /// <summary>
      /// Recursive call that returns a DataBaseItem in the target path.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="folder">The Asap2ProjectFolder to drill down</param>
      /// <param name="itemName">The name of the item that we want to retrieve</param>
      /// <param name="folderName">The path, delimited by backslashes ('\\')</param>
      /// <returns>A DataBaseItem matching the request.  
      /// If no matching item is found, or if the path is invalid, return null.
      /// </returns>
      public static DataBaseItem GetItemInFolder(this Asap2ProjectFolder folder, 
                                                 string itemName, 
                                                 string folderName)
         DataBaseItem returnItem = null;

         if ((folderName != null) &&
             (itemName != null))
            string folderToken = PluckPathToken(ref folderName);
            Asap2ProjectFolder subFolder = 

            if (subFolder != null)
               returnItem = subFolder.GetItemInFolder(itemName, folderName);
            returnItem = folder.GetDataBaseItem(itemName);

         return returnItem;

      /// <summary>
      /// Removes a backslash-delimited token from a string and shortens the
      /// input string.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="folderName">Backslash-delimited path.  This will be 
      /// shortened each time a token is removed.</param>
      /// <returns>The latest path token</returns>
      static string PluckPathToken(ref string folderName)
         int slashIdx = folderName.IndexOf('\\');

         // If folderName has path tokens, extract the first token and
         // shorten folderName accordingly.
         string folderToken = (slashIdx > -1) ? 
            folderName.Substring(0, slashIdx) : folderName;
         folderName = (slashIdx > -1) ? 
            folderName.Substring(slashIdx + 1) : null;

         return folderToken;


using IncaExtensions;
Asap2ProjectFolder targetFolder = null;
Inca myIncaInstance = new Inca();
DataBase myDB = myIncaInstance.GetCurrentDataBase();
DataBaseItem tempItem = myDB.GetItemInFolder("Demo03", "USER A\\Demo");

if ((tempItem != null) && 
   Asap2Project demoProject = (Asap2Project)tempItem;
   targetFolder = (Asap2ProjectFolder)demoProject.GetItemInFolder("Target", "Foo\\Bar\\Baz");