// the types I want to filter on
case class A(c: Char)
case class B(c: Char)
// an example for testing
val m: Map[Int, Any] = Map((1 -> A('x')), (2 -> B('p')),
(3 -> A('y')), (4 -> B('q')))
这是一个将地图过滤到Map [Int,A]的函数:
// a successful filter function based on A
def as(m: Map[Int, Any]): Map[Int, A] =
for((int, a: A) <- m) yield (int -> a)
// a failed generic filter function
def typeFilter[T](m: Map[Int, Any]): Map[Int, T] =
for((int, t: T) <- m) yield (int -> t)
val aMap: Map[Int, A] = as(m) // works!
val bMap: Map[Int, B] = bs(m) // works!
val aMapGen: Map[Int, A] = typedFilter[A](m) // doesn't work! returns all of m
val bMapGen: Map[Int, B] = typedFilter[B](m) // doesn't work! returns all of m
现在我对此更加严谨,进入这个问题,似乎更加奇怪。 Map [Int,A]如何包含B值的映射?它编译为声明的事实似乎意味着它应该正确运行,但是当我打印aMapGen或bMapGen的内容时,我看到m的全部内容,包括具有不兼容类型的值。这是我在Scala遇到的第一个问题,比如Java中类型擦除的挫折。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
由于类型擦除,这是失败的。 Scala在Java虚拟机上运行,它没有泛型。因此,有关泛型的信息在运行时不可用,就像在Java中一样。
为了解决此问题,我建议你How do I get around type erasure on Scala? Or, why can't I get the type parameter of my collections?
答案 1 :(得分:3)
scala> // an example for testing
scala> val m: Map[Int, Any] = Map((1 -> A('x')), (2 -> B('p')),
| (3 -> A('y')), (4 -> B('q')))
m: Map[Int,Any] = Map(1 -> A(x), 2 -> B(p), 3 -> A(y), 4 -> B(q))
scala> def typeFilter[T](m: Map[Int, Any]): Map[Int, T] =
| for((int, t: T) <- m) yield (int -> t)
<console>:14: warning: abstract type pattern T is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
for((int, t: T) <- m) yield (int -> t)
typeFilter: [T](m: Map[Int,Any])Map[Int,T]
scala> import reflect._
import reflect._
scala> def typeFilter[T: ClassTag](m: Map[Int, Any]): Map[Int, T] =
| for((int, t: T) <- m) yield (int -> t)
typeFilter: [T](m: Map[Int,Any])(implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])Map[Int,T]
scala> typedFilter[A](m)
<console>:17: error: not found: value typedFilter
scala> typeFilter[A](m)
res3: Map[Int,A] = Map(1 -> A(x), 3 -> A(y))
scala> typeFilter[B](m)
res4: Map[Int,B] = Map(2 -> B(p), 4 -> B(q))
直到那一天到来,也许总是用-Xlint -Xfatal-warnings编译并用干净的床单铺好你的床。
答案 2 :(得分:1)
for((int, t: T) <- m) yield (int -> t)
def typeFilter[T](m: Map[Int, Any])(implicit classTag:ClassTag[T]): Map[Int, T] =
m.collect{ case (int, t:T) if classTag.isInstance(t) => (int -> t)}