
时间:2013-08-10 16:46:34

标签: c# wpf entity-framework

C# WPF我有一个窗口,使用this.WorkingFrame.Navigate(Page1);来托管页面 现在第1页我有一个listview。在第1页上,您可以双击listview中的项目以打开新窗口(第2页)来编辑项目。项目编辑后,会保存到datacontext。现在我遇到的问题是,一旦Page2关闭,listview就不会更新。基本上我必须离开页面并返回到它以显示更改。有没有办法从Page2刷新Page1以显示所做的更改? 这是我的代码

public partial class Page1 : Page
    public Page1()
    private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //initiates the method to load data into the list view
    //Loads data into the list view object
    public void LoadLV()

        auroraDataEntities = new AuroraDataEntities();
        Data data = new Data();
        ObjectQuery<Inventory> inventories = auroraDataEntities.Inventories;
        //Returns only objects with a quantity greater than 0, so it won't show anything you are out of
        var fillList = from q in inventories
                       where q.Qty > 0
                       select q;
        ingListLV.ItemsSource = fillList.ToList();

    //Method to open what I want to be the child window basically a popup Dialog box
    private void Open_Page2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Page2 openPage2 = new Page2();


    //This is the code for Page 2
public partial class Page2 : Window

     public Page2()
        //ADDED a reference to Page1 in the constructor
        Page1 page1;

    //Method when i click the close button on the page
    private void Close_Button(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    //In here is the code that I want to use to refresh the listview on page 1
            //ADDED the call to the public method LoadLV on page 1

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

问题更为普遍 - 视图可能是任意复杂的,在某处修改的数据应该在其他地方失效/刷新。假设您不仅在父子关系中有两个窗口,而且还有一个复杂的嵌套视图,带有选项卡或动态浮动窗口。显然,这不仅仅是“刷新孩子的父母”。

那么可能的方法是什么?答案是:消息 publish-subsribe 模式。你需要一个 Event Aggregator ,例如你在Prism4中有一个。聚合器允许您的视图订阅消息并发布消息。


public class BusinessEntityUpdatedEvent : CompositePresentationEvent
   public object Entity { get; set; }


   // if your entities share a common base class
   public EntityBase Entity { get; set; }   


   public justAnything ofAnyType { get; set; }
   public orEvenMore ofAnotherType { get; set; }




public class Page1
   private void OpenPage2()
      Page2 p = new Page2( this );

   public void LoadLv() ...

public class Page2
   private Page1 page1;
   public Page2( Page1 page1 )
      this.page1 = page1;

   public void CloseButton()

答案 1 :(得分:0)

MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow();

mainWindow.Closed += (s, eventarg) =>
    // Your method to update parent window
