SQL Server SQL语法 - 选择行和排序之间的行

时间:2013-08-07 10:49:48

标签: sql-server


   select id,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) as row 
   from order where 
       (shopkeeper=116363) and (status > 0) and 
       (status <> 2) and 
       [creationdate] >= convert(datetime,'06/07/2013 00:00:01',103) and
       [creationdate] <= convert(datetime,'20/07/2013 23:59:59',103) ) a 
  WHERE row BETWEEN 1 AND 100 

我想在此查询中添加“按ID排序”但当我将其添加到最后时出现错误,当我在<= convert(datetime,'20/07/2013 23:59:59',103)之后添加它时,我也会收到错误。

我在哪里将其添加到查询中? 感谢

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    SELECT * FROM ( 
       select id,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) as row 
       from order where 
         (shopkeeper=116363) and 
         (status > 0) and (status <> 2) and 
         [creationdate] >= convert(datetime,'06/07/2013 00:00:01',103) and 
         [creationdate] <= convert(datetime,'20/07/2013 23:59:59',103) ) a 
    WHERE row BETWEEN 1 AND 100 
    Order by a.Id