
时间:2013-08-01 20:27:52

标签: java while-loop main do-while

我是Java的新手,正在开发简单的任务--TicTacToe控制台游戏。今天我遇到了一个问题,即在执行while循环后我无法继续使用main方法。该项目有两个类 - MainField。 Field响应所有游戏领域更新。我在main方法的do while循环中调用Field方法但是当结果在循环中时必须完成并且main方法必须继续(它应该询问用户是否想再次播放) 。不幸的是,程序在执行while循环后停止。


import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {
    private static char playerSym, compSym;
    private static int Sym;
    public static int playerChoice;
    public static boolean result;

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        Field field = new Field();

        // start of the game
        System.out.println("Let`s play");
        System.out.println("Choose your symbol please");
        System.out.println("0='O', 1='X'");
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        Sym = sc.nextInt();

        while (Sym != 0 & Sym != 1) {
                    .println("The symbol you entered is incorrect, please repeat");
            System.out.println("0='O', 1='X'");
            Sym = sc.nextInt();

        // setting player character
        if (Sym == 1) {
            playerSym = 'X';
            compSym = 'O';
        } else if (Sym == 0) {
            playerSym = 'O';
            compSym = 'Х';

        System.out.println("There is a game field");
        System.out.println("Please choose the cell number you`d like to fill with  " + playerSym);

        do {
            playerChoice = (Integer) sc.nextInt();
            field.updateFields(playerChoice, playerSym);
        } while (result==false);

        System.out.println("Want to play once more? Y-Yes, N-No");
        char answer = (char) System.in.read();

        switch (answer) {
            case 'Y':
                System.out.println("Restarting the game");
            case 'N':
                System.out.println("Thank you! Bye-Bye!");

public class Field {
    public static final int FIELD_SIZE = 3;
    // private static final char DEFAULT_CHAR=' ';

    public char[][] fields;
    public boolean result = true;
    public char playerSym;

    public Field() {
        fields = new char[FIELD_SIZE][FIELD_SIZE];

    public void firstShowFields() {
        int cellValue = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++) {
                System.out.print("[" + cellValue + "]");

    public char[][] updateFields(int choice, char sym) {
        playerSym = sym;
        int cellValue = 1;
        int playerChoice = choice;

        do {
            for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++) {

                    if (playerChoice == cellValue) {
                        fields[i][j] = (char) playerSym;
                    } else if (fields[i][j] == (char) playerSym) {
                        fields[i][j] = (char) playerSym;
                    } else {
                        fields[i][j] = (char) ('0' + cellValue);



            this.checkWin(fields, playerSym);
            return fields;

        } while (this.checkWin(fields, playerSym) == false);

    public void showFields(char[][] fields) {
        this.fields = fields;
        for (int i = 0; i < FIELD_SIZE; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < FIELD_SIZE; j++) {
                System.out.print("[" + fields[i][j] + "]");

    public boolean checkWin(char[][] field, char playerSym) {
        char[][] checkField = field;
        this.playerSym = playerSym;

        // checkline
        if (((checkField[0][0] == checkField[0][1]) && (checkField[0][1] == checkField[0][2]))
                || ((checkField[1][0] == checkField[1][1]) && (checkField[1][1] == checkField[1][2]))
                || ((checkField[2][0] == checkField[2][1]) && (checkField[2][1] == checkField[2][2]))) {

            System.out.println("The game is over. The winner is player " + playerSym);
            return  true;
        // checkraw
        else if (((checkField[0][0] == checkField[1][0]) && (checkField[1][0] == checkField[2][0]))
                || ((checkField[0][1] == checkField[1][1]) && (checkField[1][1] == checkField[2][1]))
                || ((checkField[0][2] == checkField[1][2]) && (checkField[1][2] == checkField[2][2]))) {
            System.out.println("The game is over. The winner is player " + playerSym);
            return result = true;

        } // checkdiagonal
        else if (((checkField[0][0] == checkField[1][1]) && (checkField[1][1] == checkField[2][2]))
                || ((checkField[0][2] == checkField[1][1]) && (checkField[1][1] == checkField[2][0]))) {
            System.out.println("The game is over. The winner is player " + playerSym);
            return result = true;
            return false;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


do {
        playerChoice = (Integer) sc.nextInt();
        field.updateFields(playerChoice, playerSym);
    } while (result==false);

result永远不会更新,因此while (result==false);永远不会失败,只要它第一次是真的。您可以尝试修改它,如下所示:

do {
        playerChoice = (Integer) sc.nextInt();
        field.updateFields(playerChoice, playerSym);
        result = field.checkWin(field.fields, playerSym);
    } while (result==false);

此外,将已附加到实例的字段传递给实例方法并不是一个好习惯。您可以从checkWin方法中删除参数char[][] field,只需让它对实例变量fields进行操作即可。但这不是你的循环问题的原因。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

