最佳实践C ++元编程:逻辑流程

时间:2013-08-01 18:24:10

标签: c++ c++11 metaprogramming

也许我被Ruby宠坏了,但在我看来,如果我有两个使用相同基本逻辑的功能(但不同的细节),我应该只需要编写一次逻辑 - 并且作为一个结果,我只需要在一个地方维护代码。


  if (recursions) {
    while (lcurr || rcurr) {

      if (!rcurr || (lcurr && (lcurr->key < rcurr->key))) {
        // A
        lcurr   = lcurr->next;
      } else if (!lcurr || (rcurr && (rcurr->key < lcurr->key))) {
        // B
        rcurr   = rcurr->next;
      } else { // keys are == and both present
        // C
        lcurr   = lcurr->next;
        rcurr   = rcurr->next;
  } else {
    while (lcurr || rcurr) {
      if (!rcurr || (lcurr && (lcurr->key < rcurr->key))) {
        // D
        lcurr         = lcurr->next;
      } else if (!lcurr || (rcurr && (rcurr->key < lcurr->key))) {
        // E
        rcurr         = rcurr->next;
      } else { // keys == and both left and right nodes present
        // F
        lcurr         = lcurr->next;
        rcurr         = rcurr->next;


我意识到这可以通过C宏来完成,但它们似乎并不特别易于维护。我也意识到如果我的矩阵类型使用嵌套的STL列表,这可能会更容易。但是C ++ 11(或旧的C ++)中是否有任何功能允许此逻辑只写一次?也许可以用lambdas做到这一点吗?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





int addTwoNumbers(int a, int b) { //A simple adding function
   return a + b; 

int subtractTwoNumbers(int a, int b) { //A simple subtracting function
    return a - b;

 * This is the fun one. The first argument is a pointer to a function. The other 
 * arguments are the numbers to do math with. They aren't as important.
 * The important part is that, so long as the function declaration matches the one here
 * (so a function that returns an int and takes in two ints as arguments) it can be
 * used by this function
void math(int (*mathFunc)(int, int), int one, int two) {
    cout << *mathFunc(one, two);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int whichMath = 0; //Assume 1 is add, 2 is subtract
    if(whichMath == 1) {
        math(&addTwoNumbers, 5, 6); //we're going to add 5 and 6
    } else {
        math(&subtractTwoNumbers, 5, 6); // we're going to subtract 5 and 6

如果这使得 NO 有意义,那么欢迎您加入我们与功能指针斗争的军团。再说一遍,我会说你应该写两个单独的函数,因为你可以看到它会变得多么丑陋。

作为免责声明,我还没有编译此代码。我在工作,这些机器上没有c ++编译器。

我过去曾经大量使用过这个网站,以便参考函数指针: http://www.newty.de/fpt/fpt.html#defi

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  template<T1, T2, T3>
  bool TESTKEYS(T1 lcurr, T2 rcurr, T3 actor)
    while (lcurr || rcurr) {
      if (!rcurr || (lcurr && (lcurr->key < rcurr->key))) {
        if (actor.TestLeft(....)) return false;
        lcurr         = lcurr->next;
      } else if (!lcurr || (rcurr && (rcurr->key < lcurr->key))) {
        if (actor.TestRight(....)) return false;
        rcurr         = rcurr->next;
      } else { // keys == and both left and right nodes present
        if (actor.TestBoth(....)) return false;
        lcurr         = lcurr->next;
        rcurr         = rcurr->next;
    return true;


答案 2 :(得分:1)

template<typename A, typename B, typename C>
void compute (/*some parameters */)
   if (recursions) {
     while (lcurr || rcurr) {
       if (!rcurr || (lcurr && (lcurr->key < rcurr->key))) {
         auto aResult = A (lcurr, rcurr);
        lcurr   = lcurr->next;
       } else if (!lcurr || (rcurr && (rcurr->key < lcurr->key))) {
        auto bResult = B (lcurr, rcurr);
       } // ... and so on
       C (aResult, bResult);
    } // ... etc

要致电compute,您需要写下,而不是代替您的A到F占位符。实际工作在每个类的 operator()成员函数中完成。

class A1 {
    double operator() (SomeType t1, SomeType t2) {
      // do work

class A2 {
    int operator() (SomeType t1, SomeType t2) {
      // do work

class B1 {
    char* operator() (SomeType t1, SomeType t2) {
      // do work

class B2 {
    SomeClass* operator() (SomeType t1, SomeType t2) {
      // do work

class C1 {
    int operator() (double t1, char* t2) {

class C2 {
    int operator() (int t1, SomeClass* t2) {

compute<A1, B1, C1>(whatever);
compute<A2, B2, C2>(whatever);


auto需要C ++ 11,如果你不能使用它,你将不得不做一些额外的工作:

class A1 {
    typedef double result_type;
    double operator() (SomeType t1, SomeType t2) {
      // do work


             typename A::result_type aResult = A (lcurr, rcurr);