
时间:2013-07-30 11:00:58

标签: c++ opencv computer-vision gradient

我想从深度图计算渐变角度,并将其分组为某些方向(8个扇区) 但我的功能只计算前3个方向

cv::Mat calcAngles(cv::Mat dimg)//dimg is depth map
    const int directions_num = 8;//number of directions
    const int degree_grade = 360;
    int range_coeff = 255 / (directions_num + 1);//just for visualize
    cv::Mat x_edge, y_edge, full_edge, angles;
        //compute gradients

    Sobel( dimg, x_edge,    CV_8U, 1, 0, 5, 1, 19, 4 );
    Sobel( dimg, y_edge,    CV_8U, 0, 1, 5, 1, 19, 4 );
    Sobel( dimg, full_edge, CV_8U, 1, 1, 5, 1, 19, 4 );

    float freq[directions_num + 1];//for collect direction's frequency
    memset(freq, 0, sizeof(freq));

    angles = cv::Mat::zeros(dimg.rows, dimg.cols, CV_8U);//store directions here
    for(int i = 0; i < angles.rows; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < angles.cols; j++)
            angles.at<uchar>(i, j) = (((int)cv::fastAtan2(y_edge.at<uchar>(i, j), x_edge.at<uchar>(i, j))) / (degree_grade/directions_num) + 1
                ) * (dimg.at<uchar>(i, j) ? 1 : 0);//fastatan returns values from 0 to 360, if i not mistaken. I want group angles by directions_num sectors. I use first 'direction' (zero value) for zero values from depth map (zero value at my depth map suggest that it is bad pixel)  
            freq[angles.at<uchar>(i, j)] += 1;
    for(int i = 0; i < directions_num + 1; i++) 
        printf("%2.2f\t", freq[i]);
    angles *= range_coeff;//for visualization
    return angles;


47359.00        15018.00        8199.00 6224.00 0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00



enter image description here

有出路吗?或者这些结果还可以吗? PS对不起我的写作错误。英语不是我的母语。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


cv::Sobel(dimg, x_edge, CV_16S, 1, 0, 5, 1, 19, 4);
cv::Sobel(dimg, y_edge, CV_16S, 0, 1, 5, 1, 19, 4);

cv::fastAtan2(y_edge.at<short>(i, j), x_edge.at<short>(i, j))