
时间:2013-07-29 12:59:31

标签: c# powershell vbscript




因为我不能使用MSScriptControl.ScriptControl访问我的VBscript我想也许我可以在.net中找到一些更好的C# 但是我找到的几种方法执行整个脚本而不仅仅是那个函数。例如:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"cscript //B //Nologo c:\yourfile.vbs");


Public Sub ExecuteTest(ByVal TestPath , ByVal TestName)
 Dim qtApp 'As QuickTest.Application ' Declare the Application object variable
 Dim qtTest 'As QuickTest.Test ' Declare a Test object variable
 Dim qtResultsOpt 'As QuickTest.RunResultsOptions ' Declare a Run Results Options object variable
 strLog = "Start " & TestName
 Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the Application object
 qtApp.Launch ' Start QuickTest
 qtApp.Visible = False ' Make the QuickTest application invisible
 qtApp.Visible = True ' Make the QuickTest application visible

 ' Set QuickTest run options: 
 ' Always--Captures images for all steps in the run. 
 ' OnError--Captures images only for failed steps. 
 ' OnWarning--Captures images only for steps that return a failed or warning status. 
 ' Never--Never captures images. 

   qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "Always"
 ' qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError"
 ' qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnWarning"
 ' qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "Never"

 qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"
 qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = False

 'This will Open a script
 ' Wscript.Echo  TestPath
  qtApp.Open TestPath , False ' Open the test in edit mode
 ' qtApp.Open TestPath , True ' Open the test in read-only mode

 ' set run settings for the test

 Set qtTest = qtApp.Test

 ' qtTest.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "rngIterations" ' Run only iterations 2 to 4
 ' qtTest.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 1
 ' qtTest.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 1
 ' qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep" ' Instruct QuickTest to perform next step when error occurs

 'For Viewing Results
 Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") ' Create the Run Results Options object

 ' WScript.Echo  letter & testresult & TestName & "\Result_"  & GetDateTimeStr

 qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = letter & testresult & TestName & "\Result_"  & GetDateTimeStr ' Set the results location
 qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt ' Run the test

 While qtTest.IsRunning
   'Wait For Test To Finish

 strLog = "Slut " & TestName  &  qtTest.LastRunResults.Status 

 ' qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = True

 'Close QTP
 qtTest.Close() ' Close the test

 'Set the options to nothing
 Set qtResultsOpt = Nothing ' Release the Run Results Options object
 Set qtTest = Nothing ' Release the Test object
 Set qtApp = Nothing ' Release the Application object

End Sub 

感谢您帮助我使用了David Martin从下面获得的内容,并使用隐形方法和属性找到了问题的解决方案。这是工作方法:

  function ExecuteTest($TestPath,$letter,$testresult,$TestName)
    #Update-TypeData -Prepend .\ComObject.Types.ps1xml

    $qtApp = New-Object -comobject QuickTest.Application -strict

    $strLog = "Start $TestName" 
    # Start QuickTest

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    $obj = New-Object System.Object
    # Make the QuickTest application invisible
    $obj = $False
    #Make the QuickTest application visible
    $obj = $True
    $myArray = @($nul)
    $myArray[0] =$obj
    #Wait for the aplication to be initialized 

    #Apply the Visibility Variable to the QuickTest application

    #Make the QuickTest application visible
    #$qtApp.Visible = $True 

    # Set QuickTest run options: 
    # Always--Captures images for all steps in the run. 
    # OnError--Captures images only for failed steps. 
    # OnWarning--Captures images only for steps that return a failed or warning status. 
    # Never--Never captures images. 

    $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "Always"
    # $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError"
    # $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnWarning"
    # $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "Never"
    $obj = "Fast"
    $myArray[0] =$obj

    #$qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"

    #$qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = $False
    $obj = $False
    $myArray[0] =$obj

    #This will Open a script
    # Wscript.Echo  TestPath
    $obj = $False
    $myArray[0] = $TestPath
    $myArray += $obj
    #Invoke-Method - inputobject $qtApp -MethodName Open -MethodParameters $myArray -Static
    $qtApp.GetType().InvokeMember(“Open”,#Method Name
        $null) #[string[]]("TestPath"))#namedParameters
  # [System.__ComObject].InvokeMember(“Open”,[System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::InvokeMethod,$null,$qtApp,([Object[]]$myArray),$null,$null,$null)
    #$qtApp.Open #$TestPath, $False #' Open the test in edit mode
    # $qtApp.Open $TestPath , $True #' Open the test in read-only mode
    # set run settings for the test
    $qtTest = $qtApp.GetType().InvokeMember("Test",[System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::GetProperty,$null,$qtApp,$null)

    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "rngIterations" ' Run only iterations 2 to 4
    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 1
    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 1
    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep" ' Instruct QuickTest to perform next step when error occurs

    # WScript.Echo  letter & testresult & TestName & "\Result_"  & GetDateTimeStr

    # The following variables have not been defined
    # This function doesn't exist
    $qtResultsOpt = New-Object -comobject QuickTest.RunResultsOptions -strict
    #$qtResultsOpt = FileSystemObject QuickTest.RunResultsOptions
    $ParentPath = $letter + $testresult + $TestName 
    $ChildPath = "\Result_" + $("{0:yyyymmddTHHMMss}" -f $(get-date))
    $ResultOptArgs = join-path -path $ParentPath -childpath  $ChildPath
    #$qtResultsOpt.GetType().InvokeMember(“ResultsLocation”,#Method Name
     #   [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::InvokeMethod,#BindingFlag
      #  $null,#Binder
       # $qtResultsOpt,#Target
       # $null,#Modifiers
       # $null) #[string[]]("TestPath"))#namedParameters

    # Run the test
    #$qtTest.Run # $qtResultsOpt 

        Start-Sleep -m 100

    $strLog = "Slut $TestName $(qtTest.LastRunResults.Status)"

    # qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = True

    #Close QTP
    #Set the options to nothing

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


function WriteLogToFile
    param ($message)
    write-host message

function ExecuteTest

    $qtApp = New-Object -comobject QuickTest.Application -strict
    $qtTest = New-Object -comobject QuickTest.Test -strict
    $qtResultsOpt = New-Object -comobject QuickTest.RunResultsOptions

    $strLog = "Start $TestName" 

    # Start QuickTest

    # Make the QuickTest application invisible
    $qtApp.Visible = $false 

    #Make the QuickTest application visible
    $qtApp.Visible = True 

    # Set QuickTest run options: 
    # Always--Captures images for all steps in the run. 
    # OnError--Captures images only for failed steps. 
    # OnWarning--Captures images only for steps that return a failed or warning status. 
    # Never--Never captures images. 

    $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "Always"
    # $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError"
    # $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnWarning"
    # $qtApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "Never"

    qtApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"
    qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = False

    #This will Open a script
    write-host "TestPath: [$TestPath]"
    $qtApp.Open $TestPath , $false ' Open the test in edit mode
    # $qtApp.Open TestPath , True ' Open the test in read-only mode

    # set run settings for the test
    $qtTest = $qtApp.Test

    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.IterationMode = "rngIterations" ' Run only iterations 2 to 4
    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.StartIteration = 1
    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.EndIteration = 1
    # $qtTest.Settings.Run.OnError = "NextStep" ' Instruct QuickTest to perform next step when error occurs

    # WScript.Echo  letter & testresult & TestName & "\Result_"  & GetDateTimeStr

    # The following variables have not been defined
    # This function doesn't exist

    $qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = join-path -path "c:\results" -childpath $("{0:yyyymmddTHHMMss}" -f $(get-date))

    # Run the test
    $qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt 

        Start-Sleep -m 100

    $strLog = "Slut $TestName $(qtTest.LastRunResults.Status)"

    # qtApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = True

    #Close QTP

    #Set the options to nothing