
时间:2013-07-27 16:58:21

标签: file-io gpu



for(int k = 0;k<gridsize;k++){
    for(int j = 0;j<gridsize;j++){
        fprintf(tempE, "%f,", h_Estate[j*gridsize + k] );

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




答案 1 :(得分:0)



通常在操作系统中执行文件I / O已经这样做了,因此fwrite()可能不会比fprintf()更有效。

正如Eric的回答所述,保存这些数据最有效的方法是直接使用二进制格式。如果你可以预先处理它以便你少用 -


例如,您的数据是否需要完整的浮点精度?你能否将它转换为16位定点int并为每个32位unsigned int保存两个数据点,同时为你报告的计算保持足够的精度?如果将它们视为一组有符号的整数,则16位有符号整数值的精度为5位数。

如果您正在对这些数据进行进一步处理,您肯定不想使用Excel或Matlab,因为处理时间将失去控制。如果您使用C或C ++开发处理算法,那么二进制数据格式将不会成为问题。




    // what's faster, fwrite or fprintf?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <windows.h>

#define HUGE_NUMBER  1000

LARGE_INTEGER   ticksPerSecond;

float floatDiffTime;
const int runs = 1000000;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Get the speed of the CPU
    QueryPerformanceFrequency( &ticksPerSecond );
    printf( "Your computer does %lld ticks per second\n", ticksPerSecond.QuadPart );
    // %lld means type "long long" int, which is the
    // 64 bit int which is what we want here.

    // define some random valued variables to use
    // in the print statements
    int a    = 5;
    double b = 9.2919e92;
    char c   = 'x';
    char * d = "blah blah blah";

    // test start:  open a file to write 
    FILE *outfile = fopen( "testfile.txt", "w" );

    char buf[HUGE_NUMBER];
    int i;
    int index = 0;

    //Test line-by-line fprintf
    // START timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time1 );
    memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);
    for(i=0; i<runs; i++)
        fprintf(outfile, "blah %i %f %c %s\n", a, b, c, d );
    fflush ( outfile );
    fclose( outfile );

    // STOP timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time2 );

    // get the difference between time1 and time2,
    // and that is how long the for loop took to run.
    floatDiffTime = ((float)time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
    printf( "line-by-line fprintf took %f seconds\n", floatDiffTime );

    //Test fprintf
    // START timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time1 );
    memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);
    for(i=0; i<runs; i++)
        sprintf(&buf[index], "blah %i %f %c %s\n", a, b, c, d );
        index += strlen(&buf[index]);
        if(index >= HUGE_NUMBER) {
            fprintf(outfile, "%s", buf );
            index = 0;
            memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);
    fflush ( outfile );
    fclose( outfile );

    // STOP timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time2 );

    // get the difference between time1 and time2,
    // and that is how long the for loop took to run.
    floatDiffTime = ((float)time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
    printf( "fprintf took %f seconds\n", floatDiffTime );

    //Test fwrite
    outfile = fopen( "testfile.txt", "w" );
    index = 0;
    // START timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time1 );  
    memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);
    for(i=0; i<runs; i++)
        sprintf(&buf[index], "blah %i %f %c %s\n", a, b, c, d );
        index += strlen(&buf[index]);
        if(index >= HUGE_NUMBER) {
            fwrite( buf, 1, strlen(buf), outfile );
            index = 0;
            //printf("buf size: %d\n", strlen(buf));
            memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);

    fclose( outfile );
    // STOP timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time2 );

    // get the difference between time1 and time2,
    // and that is how long the for loop took to run.
    floatDiffTime = ((float)time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
    printf( "fwrite took %f seconds\n", floatDiffTime );

    //Test WriteFile
    outfile = fopen( "testfile.txt", "w" );
    index = 0;
    DWORD bWritten = 0;
    // START timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time1 );  
    memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);
    for(i=0; i<runs; i++)
        sprintf(&buf[index], "blah %i %f %c %s\n", a, b, c, d );
        index += strlen(&buf[index]);
        if(index >= HUGE_NUMBER) {
            WriteFile( outfile, buf, strlen(buf), &bWritten, NULL );
            index = 0;
            //printf("buf size: %d\n", strlen(buf));
            memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);

    fclose( outfile );
    // STOP timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time2 );

    // get the difference between time1 and time2,
    // and that is how long the for loop took to run.
    floatDiffTime = ((float)time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
    printf( "WriteFile took %f seconds\n", floatDiffTime );

    //Test WriteFile
    outfile = fopen( "testfile.txt", "w" );
    index = 0;
    bWritten = 0;
    // START timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time1 );  
    memset(buf,'\0', HUGE_NUMBER);
    for(i=0; i<runs; i++)
        sprintf(&buf[index], "blah %i %f %c %s\n", a, b, c, d );
        WriteFile( outfile, buf, strlen(buf), &bWritten, NULL );
        memset(buf,'\0', strlen(buf));

    fclose( outfile );
    // STOP timing
    QueryPerformanceCounter( &time2 );

    // get the difference between time1 and time2,
    // and that is how long the for loop took to run.
    floatDiffTime = ((float)time2.QuadPart - time1.QuadPart)/ticksPerSecond.QuadPart;
    printf( "WriteFile line-by-line took %f seconds\n", floatDiffTime );

   return 0;    


Your computer does 2337929 ticks per second
line-by-line fprintf took 2.970491 seconds
fprintf took 2.345687 seconds
fwrite took 3.456101 seconds
WriteFile took 2.131118 seconds
WriteFile line-by-line took 2.495092 seconds

看起来像将大量数据缓冲为字符串,然后发送到fprintf()(可移植)或Windows WriteFile()(如果使用Windows)调用是处理此问题的最有效方法。


gcc write_speed_test.c -o wspt


$ gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-w64-mingw32
Configured with: ../gcc44-svn/configure --target=i686-w64-mingw32 --host=i686-w64-mingw32 --disable-multilib --disable-nls --disable-win32-registry --prefix=/mingw32 --with-gmp=/mingw32 --with-mpfr=/mingw32 --enable-languages=c,c++
Thread model: win32
gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC)