,我大大减少了代码的长度 ;
set xrange [pe_cnt:range_high];
set xtics xticks;
set xtics add (pe_cnt)
line 26: invalid expression
range_high="`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="--stop") print $(i+1)}' temp_info`"
xticks="`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="--xticks") print $(i+1)}' temp_info`"
pe_cnt = "`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="--pe_cnt") print $(i+1)}' temp_info`"
rd_cnt = "`awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i=="--rd_cnt") print $(i+1)}' temp_info`"
# Gnuplot script file for plotting Micron >= 1,16,32,64 WAFL single read last read
set autoscale
set grid
set title "Usable Flash Blocks vs PE cycles"
set xlabel "PE Cycles "
set ylabel "% Usable Flash Blocks "
set y2label "% WAFL Blocks"
if (pe_cnt == range_high) {
set xrange [pe_cnt-1:range_high]
set xtics xticks
set xtics add (pe_cnt-1) }
else {
set xrange [pe_cnt:range_high]
set xtics xticks
set xtics add (pe_cnt) }
set yrange [-10:140]
set y2range [-10:140]
set ytics 10
set y2tics 10
set term postscript color solid
set output 'Micron_srd.ps'
#set datafile separator ' '
set key top left
plot "Micron_all" using (($1+1)*pe_cnt):(((256-$31)*100)/256) smooth bezier title '(>= 1 Bad WAFL)' axis x1y1 with lines, \
"Micron_all" using (($1+1)*pe_cnt):(((256-$33)*100)/256) smooth bezier title '(>= 16 Bad WAFL)' axis x1y1 with lines, \
"Micron_all" using (($1+1)*pe_cnt):(((256-$34)*100)/256) smooth bezier title '(>= 32 Bad WAFL)' axis x1y1 with lines, \
"Micron_all" using (($1+1)*pe_cnt):(((256-$36)*100)/256) smooth bezier title '(>= 64 Bad WAFL)' axis x1y1 with lines, \
"Micron_all" using (($1+1)*pe_cnt):(($14*400)/$5) smooth bezier title '(Uncorrectable WAFL)' axis x1y2 with lines, \
"Micron_all" using (($1+1)*pe_cnt):(($70*100)/$5) smooth bezier title '(Correctable WAFL)' axis x1y2 with lines
答案 0 :(得分:1)
pe_cnt = "kittens"
set xtics add (pe_cnt)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
set xtics add (real(pe_cnt))
我猜,xtics add
set xtics add (pe_cnt pe_cnt)