例如,对于2013年7月18日,最终结果应包含(record for 19/07/2013) - (record for 17/07/2013)
对于前 -
178 632 17/07/2013
192 785 18/07/2013
265 1012 21/07/2013
然后结果应该是这样的 -
178-0 632-0 17/07/2013
192-178 785-632 18/07/2013
265-0 1012-0 21/07/2013
178 632 17/07/2013
14 153 18/07/2013
265 1012 21/07/2013
答案 0 :(得分:3)
-- sample of data from the question
with t1(col1, col2, col3) as(
select 178, 632, to_date('17/07/2013', 'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual union all
select 192, 785, to_date('18/07/2013', 'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual union all
select 265, 1012, to_date('21/07/2013', 'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
) -- the query
select to_char(col1) -
decode( col3 - lag(col3, 1, col3) over(order by col3)
, 1
, lag(col1, 1, 0) over(order by col3)
, 0
) as col1
, to_char(col2) -
decode( col3 - lag(col3, 1, col3) over(order by col3)
, 1
, lag(col2, 1, 0) over(order by col3)
, 0
) as col2
, col3
from t1
178 632 July, 17 2013 00:00:00+0000
14 153 July, 18 2013 00:00:00+0000
265 1012 July, 21 2013 00:00:00+0000
作为另一种方法,您可以使用model clause来获得相同的结果。
with t1(col1, col2, col3) as(
select 178, 632, to_date('17/07/2013', 'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual union all
select 192, 785, to_date('18/07/2013', 'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual union all
select 265, 1012, to_date('21/07/2013', 'dd/mm/yyyy') from dual
select c1
, c2
, col3
from t1
dimension by(row_number() over(order by col3) as rn)
measures( cast(null as number) as c1
, cast(null as number) as c2
, col1
, col2
, col3)
c1[rn] = decode( col3[cv()] - col3[cv() - 1]
, 1
, col1[cv()] - col1[cv() - 1]
, col1[cv()]
c2[rn] = decode( col3[cv()] - col3[cv() - 1]
, 1
, col2[cv()] - col2[cv() - 1]
, col2[cv()]
C1 C2 COL3
178 632 July, 17 2013 00:00:00+0000
14 153 July, 18 2013 00:00:00+0000
265 1012 July, 21 2013 00:00:00+0000