比较对象的元素驻留在两个列表中 - 一对一使用LINQ

时间:2013-07-18 12:59:03

标签: c# .net performance linq linq-to-entities



例如:House.Windows[0].color != House1.Windows[0].color然后将其移动到  House.Windows[1].color != House1.Windows[1].color等等......


    public class House
    string HouseNmbr;
    List<Window> windows;


public class Window
    string WSize;
    string WColor;
    bool IsEnergyEff;

public static class MyMain
    void Main()
        House h1 = new House
            HouseNmbr = "1",
            windows = new List<Window> { 
                new Window {Wsize="1", WColor = "blue",IsEnergyEff = true},
                new Window {Wsize="1", WColor = "black"},
                new Window {Wsize="1", WColor = "red"}

        House h2 = new House
            HouseNmbr = "1",
            windows = new List<Window> { 
                new Window {Wsize="2", WColor = "blue",IsEnergyEff = false},
                new Window {Wsize="2", WColor = "black"}

        //Find the diffs...
        IEnumerable<House> updatesFromHouses = from id in h2 //Since h2 will have updates
                                             join pd in h1
                                             on id.HouseNmbr equals pd.HouseNmbr
                                               select new House
                                                 windows = pd.windows.Where(
                                                    wn => Enumerable.Range(0, wn.windows.Count).All(ctr => wn.IsEnergyEff != id.windows[ctr].IsEnergyEff)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


House.Windows.Zip(House1.Windows, (w, w1) => w.color != w1.color);

这将返回布尔值的集合,用于逐个颜色比较。您可以使用Any(b => !b)检查是否有任何不相同的颜色。



public class Window
    public string Size { get; set; }
    public string Color { get; set; }
    public bool IsEnergySaving { get; set; }

    public Window() { }

    public Window(string size, string color, bool isEnergySaving)
        Size = size;
        Color = color;
        IsEnergySaving = isEnergySaving;

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        Window other = obj as Window;
        if (other == null)
            return false;

        return Color == other.Color &&
               IsEnergySaving == other.IsEnergySaving;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        int hash = 19;            
        hash = hash * 23 + Color.GetHashCode();
        hash = hash * 23 + IsEnergySaving.GetHashCode();
        return hash;


public class House
    public House(string number)
        Number = number;
        Windows = new List<Window>();

    public string Number { get; private set; }
    public List<Window> Windows { get; private set; }

    public House WithWindow(string size, string color, bool energySaving = false)
        Windows.Add(new Window(size, color, energySaving));
        return this;


House h1 = new House("1")
                .WithWindow("1", "blue", true)
                .WithWindow("1", "black")
                .WithWindow("1", "red");

House h2 = new House("1")
                .WithWindow("2", "blue")
                .WithWindow("2", "black");


var changedAndNewWindows = h2.Windows.Except(h1.Windows);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


var count = Math.Min(h1.Windows.Count, h2.Windows.Count);
Parallel.For(0, count, (index)=>{
//Do your operations here
if(h1.Windows[index].Color == h2.Windows[index].Color)