这是我用来提交JSONP的基本代码--Jquery和其他库似乎泄漏内存,我想知道我是否可以完全避免使用ie9和ie10 ...
// Some statics used by JSONP calls (below)... uuid is used to prevent getting stale cached results, it forces a new "get" every time by changing the url
Testing123.uuid = 0;
Testing123.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
// mainurl is the url we are going to, callbackFuncName is the callback function, parameters must be a string with zero or more parameters already encoded
// formatted as "&parm1=value1&parm2=value2" as it is being tacked onto a GET url...
Testing123.debugJSONP = false; // set to true to see stuff in console
Testing123.initiateJSONP = function (mainurl, callbackFuncName, parameters) {
var url = mainurl + "?callback=" + callbackFuncName + "&uuid=" + (Testing123.uuid++);
var script;
url += parameters; // add optional parameters.
// Now, let's make the JSONP call happen. One way for IE 8 and below, another way for FF, Chrome, etc.
if (Testing123.isIE) {
// ***** NOTE *****
// This tests for ALL ie versions, but ie9 and ie10 will only display one interation...
// If you add && Testing123.browserVersionNumber < 9.0 to the if above, then the iterations will work, but
// memory usage will go up dramatically if run for a while...
// ***** NOTE ******
// For IE, we create the script node just once, and then set its src attribute to run again...
// ***** This seems now to fail in ie9 and ie10
var addToDOM = 0;
script = document.getElementById('JSONP');
if (!script) {
if (Testing123.debugJSONP) Testing123.logToOutput("initiateJSONP with IE: creating script element with id JSONP");
script = document.createElement('script');
script.id = 'JSONP';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.charset = 'utf-8';
addToDOM = 1;
if (Testing123.debugJSONP) Testing123.logToOutput("initiateJSONP with IE: setting script element's src to " + url);
script.setAttribute("src", url);
//script.src = url;
if (addToDOM) // Only do this the first time we create it...
if (Testing123.debugJSONP) Testing123.logToOutput("initiateJSONP with IE: appending script element with id JSONP to head");
} else {
//First lets clean up the DOM from the last call, if there was one...
var tmp;
while (tmp = document.getElementById('JSONP')) {
if (Testing123.debugJSONP) Testing123.logToOutput("initiateJSONP non IE: found a JSONP element by id... asking parent to remove it and deleting its properties.");
// not working in IE 7/8/9
for (var prop in tmp) {
//if (Testing123.debugJSONP) Testing123.logToOutput("initiateJSONP non IE: deleting prop: [" + prop + "] from the element found.");
delete tmp[prop];
tmp = null;