Python如何播种Mersenne twister

时间:2013-07-14 03:10:26

标签: python random

Python如何播种其Mersenne twister伪随机数生成器?它是基于时钟的某种方式?如果是这样,是在导入随机模块时还是在第一次调用它时找到种子?


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

在现代版本的python(c.f。中,Random.seed尝试使用从/ dev / urandom读取的32个字节。如果这不起作用,则使用当前时间:(a是一个可选值,可用于显式播种PRNG。)

    if a is None:
            a = int.from_bytes(_urandom(32), 'big')
        except NotImplementedError:
            import time
            a = int(time.time() * 256) # use fractional seconds

答案 1 :(得分:2)



# Create one instance, seeded from current time, and export its methods
# as module-level functions.  The functions share state across all uses
#(both in the user's code and in the Python libraries), but that's fine
# for most programs and is easier for the casual user than making them
# instantiate their own Random() instance.

答案 2 :(得分:2)

种子基于时钟或(如果可用)操作系统源。 random模块在​​导入时创建(并因此播种)共享Random实例,而不是在第一次使用时。


Python docs for random.seed

random.seed(a=None, version=2)



如果省略a或None,则使用当前系统时间。如果操作系统提供随机源,则使用它们   而不是系统时间(有关详细信息,请参阅os.urandom()函数   可用性)。

Source of严重抨击):

from os import urandom as _urandom

class Random(_random.Random):

    def __init__(self, x=None):

    def seed(self, a=None, version=2):
        if a is None:
                a = int.from_bytes(_urandom(32), 'big')
            except NotImplementedError:
                import time
                a = int(time.time() * 256) # use fractional seconds

# Create one instance, seeded from current time, and export its methods
# as module-level functions.  The functions share state across all uses
#(both in the user's code and in the Python libraries), but that's fine
# for most programs and is easier for the casual user than making them
# instantiate their own Random() instance.

_inst = Random()
