使用async await从事件更新UI

时间:2013-07-13 14:49:46

标签: c# asynchronous async-await

我正在尝试了解如何在使用async / await模式时从事件更新UI。 下面是我在WinForm应用程序上使用的测试代码。我甚至不确定这是正确的方法。允许pwe_StatusUpdate方法更新UI的必要条件是什么?抛出跨线程操作错误。


 // calling code
    ProcessWithEvents pwe = new ProcessWithEvents();
    pwe.StatusUpdate += pwe_StatusUpdate;
    await pwe.Run();

 void pwe_StatusUpdate(string updateMsg)
      // Error Here: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control '_listBox_Output' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.


// Class with long running process and event    
public delegate void StatusUpdateHandler(string updateMsg);

 public class ProcessWithEvents
    public event StatusUpdateHandler StatusUpdate;

    public async Task Run()
        await Task.Run(() =>
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

                    RaiseUpdateEvent(String.Format("Update {0}", i));



        private void RaiseUpdateEvent(string msg)
        if (StatusUpdate != null)


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:25)

The async pattern has support for progress updates


public class ProcessWithUpdates
  public async Task Run(IProgress<string> progress)
    await Task.Run(() =>
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        if (progress != null)
          progress.Report(String.Format("Update {0}", i));

// calling code
ProcessWithUpdates pwp = new ProcessWithUpdates();
await pwp.Run(new Progress<string>(pwp_StatusUpdate));

答案 1 :(得分:3)




在某些情况下,您应该在调用void SomeAsyncMethod() { // Do some work if (this.InvokeRequired) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { DoUpdateUI(); } )); } else { DoUpdateUI(); } } void DoUpdateUI() { // Your UI update code here } 方法之前检查IsHandleCreated的{​​{1}}属性。如果Control返回false,则需要等待创建Control的句柄

答案 2 :(得分:1)


delegate void Add(string msg);


var add = new Add((msg) => {


void pwe_StatusUpdate(string updateMsg)


答案 3 :(得分:-1)


async void DoExport()
    var rMsg = "";
    var t = await Task<bool>.Factory.StartNew(() => ExportAsMonthReport(LastMonth.Name, LastYear.Name, out rMsg));

    if (t)
          BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
               spinnerMain.Visible = false;
               menuItemMonth.Enabled = true;

               MetroMessageBox.Show(this, rMsg, "Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, 200);
          BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
               spinnerMain.Visible = false;
               menuItemMonth.Enabled = true;

               MetroMessageBox.Show(this, rMsg, "Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, 200);