所以我在php中编写这个登录脚本。我选择不使用像mysql这样的数据库,所以我将用户名存储在一个文件中,将哈希存储在另一个文件中。然后它搜索用户名文件并找到用户名所在的行。然后它读取哈希文件中的同一行并比较用户输入的哈希值。出于某种原因,只有当用户名是文件中的最后一个用户名或第一个用户名时,它才有效。这意味着$ inFileUsernameKey没有值,除非用户名是第一个或最后一个。这是我的代码:
//Above is the code to get username and password from html forum and generate hash.
$usernameFileHandle = fopen("passStuff/usernames.txt", "r+");
$usernameFileContent = file_get_contents("passStuff/usernames.txt");
$usernameFileContent = explode("\n", $usernameFileContent);
//Using fopen() and fclose b/c at some point I will be adding in a account creation section
$hashFileHandle = fopen("passStuff/hash.txt", "r+");
$hashFileContent = file_get_contents("passStuff/hash.txt");
$hashFileContent = explode("\n", $hashFileContent);
//Using fopen() and fclose b/c at some point I will be adding in a account creation section
$inFileUsernameKey = array_search($username, $usernameFileContent);
$inFileUsername = $usernameFileContent[$inFileUsernameKey];
$i = 0;
echo "usernameFileContent: <br>";
while($i < count($usernameFileContent)){
echo "    ", $i, ": ", $usernameFileContent[$i], "<br>";
$i = $i + 1;
echo "<br>";
$i = 0;
echo "hashFileContent: <br>";
while($i < count($hashFileContent)){
echo "    ", $i, ": ", $hashFileContent[$i], "<br>";
$i = $i + 1;
echo "In File Username: ", $inFileUsername;
$inFilePassword = $hashFileContent[$inFileUsernameKey];
$inFilePassword = trim($inFilePassword);
echo "<br>Username Key: ", $inFileUsernameKey;
echo "<br>In File Hash: ", $inFilePassword;
echo "<br><br>Login: ";
if(strcmp($inFilePassword, $loginInputHash) == 0){
echo "<div style='color: #0DFF00'>Accepted</div>";
if(strcmp($inFilePassword, $loginInputHash) != 0){
echo "<div style='color: #FF0000'>Denied</div>";
echo "STRCMP COMPARE: ", strcmp($inFilePassword, $loginInputHash);
有谁知道为什么这不起作用?请原谅我的php noob-ness。提前谢谢。