// I have a webservice proxy created , in that webservice there is a method called Test which returns an integer value.
Myserver.servic service = new Myserver.servic() ;
// In here i am calling Test webmethod asyncronously
public void test(ccc sk , int id )
service.TestCompleted -= testCompleted;
service.TestCompleted += testCompleted;
//When I am caling the TestAsyn method I am parsing Guid.NewGuid()
//Because I call the same method many times simultaneously.
service.TestAsync(Guid.NewGuid ());
//But this is not how i want to call it
//I meant i want to parse some additional data to Callback method.
//In socket we can do it using AsyncState , but in WebService we cann't use UserState to parse custom data
//Because we have to parse a Guid object to it, otherwise it will generate the following error message
//Error: **There was an error during asynchronous processing. Unique state object is required for multiple asynchronous simultaneous.**
// Inorder to prevent getting this error, I have to parse new guid object as UserState
// But I also need to parse some data to Callback method
// Smething like this
MyClass m = new MyClass () ;
m.s = "Hello" ;
m.i = 292;
m.enable = true ;
service.TestAsyn(m) ; // I want to parse data this way
// But if I parse data to call back method this way I will get that error again
// Can someone please help me ?
// When Call back completed I want to use something like following
public void TestCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
if (e.Error == null)
MyClass m = (MyClass )e.UserState;
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void by_server_AddFriendCompleted(int user,int friend, Guid NGuid, object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
//I want soemthing like e.Parameter ? , like we use AsyncState in sockets
// ex : Myperopetyclass c = e.Parameter , this is what i want
if (e.Error != null)