您好我想要做的是反转二进制文件。文件的类型是wav,例如,如果通道号是2,每个样本的比特是16,每次我将复制32/8 = 4个字节。第一个想做的是按原样复制标题(该部分没问题),然后反转数据。我已经创建了一个代码来复制标题,然后将这部分数据从最后复制10次(用于测试),但是由于某种原因,它不会复制40个字节而是在20处停止(即使它会这样做20次也会仍然只复制20个字节)。这是执行此操作的代码。我不能发现错误,如果你能看到它告诉我:)也许错误是在其他地方,所以我写了全部功能
void reverse(char **array)
int i=0;
word numberChannels;//word = unsigned short int, byte = unsigned char
word bitsPerSample;
FILE *pFile;
FILE *pOutFile;
byte head[44];
byte *rev;
int count;
int sum = 0;
if(checkFileName(array[2]) == 0 || checkFileName(array[3]) == 0)
printf("wrong file name\n");
pFile = fopen (array[2] ,"r");
fseek(pFile, 22, SEEK_SET);//position of channel
fread(&numberChannels, sizeof(word), 1, pFile);
fseek(pFile, 34, SEEK_SET);//position of bitsPerSample
fread(&bitsPerSample, sizeof(word), 1, pFile);
count = numberChannels * bitsPerSample;
fread(head, sizeof(head), 1, pFile);
pOutFile = fopen (array[3] ,"w");
fwrite(head, sizeof(head), 1, pOutFile);//writes the header to the output file
count = count/8;//in my example count = 32 so count =4
rev = (byte*)malloc(sizeof(byte) * count);//byte = unsigned char
fseek(pFile, -count, SEEK_END);
for(i=0; i<10 ; i++)
sum = sum + count;
fseek(pFile, -sum, SEEK_END);
fread(rev, count, 1, pFile);
fwrite(rev, count, 1, pOutFile);