
时间:2013-06-27 08:22:21

标签: vb6 picturebox

我想问一下当鼠标光标指向特定对象时是否可以在picbox上拖动图像,所以当我选择X文本框,y文本框和选择图钉文本时 它将取代我选择的坐标n引脚号码。




Option Explicit
Private mPic        As Picture
Private mPicWidth   As Single
Private mPicHeight  As Single
Private mCurrentX   As Single
Private mCurrentY   As Single
Private mLeft       As Single
Private mTop        As Single

Private Sub Command5_Click()
    Call draw_ic(Val(Text5), Val(Text6), Val(Text7))
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Picture1.AutoRedraw = True
    Set mPic = Picture1.Image
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As    Single)
    mPicWidth = Me.ScaleX(mPic.Width, vbHimetric, Picture1.ScaleMode)
    mPicHeight = Me.ScaleY(mPic.Height, vbHimetric, Picture1.ScaleMode)
    ShowPictureAtPosition mLeft, mTop
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If Button = 0 Then
        mCurrentX = X
        mCurrentY = Y
    ElseIf Button = vbLeftButton Then
        ShowPictureAtPosition X + mLeft - mCurrentX, Y + mTop - mCurrentY
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    mLeft = X + mLeft - mCurrentX: mTop = Y + mTop - mCurrentY
End Sub

Private Sub ShowPictureAtPosition(pX As Single, pY As Single)
    With Picture1    
       .PaintPicture mPic, pX + 1, pY + 1, mPicWidth, mPicHeight    
    End With
End Sub

Function draw_ic(X, Y, pincount)
    If pincount = 8 Then
        Picture1.Line (X, Y)-(X + 120, Y + 48), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y)-(X + 24, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y)-(X + 50, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y)-(X + 76, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y)-(X + 102, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 48)-(X + 24, Y + 64), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y + 48)-(X + 50, Y + 64), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y + 48)-(X + 76, Y + 64), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y + 48)-(X + 102, Y + 64), vbBlack, B
    ElseIf pincount = 12 Then
        Picture1.Line (X, Y)-(X + 158, Y + 64), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y)-(X + 16, Y - 8), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 32, Y)-(X + 40, Y - 8), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 56, Y)-(X + 64, Y - 8), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 80, Y)-(X + 88, Y - 8), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 104, Y)-(X + 112, Y - 8), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 128, Y)-(X + 136, Y - 8), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 64)-(X + 16, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 32, Y + 64)-(X + 40, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 56, Y + 64)-(X + 64, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 80, Y + 64)-(X + 88, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 104, Y + 64)-(X + 112, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 128, Y + 64)-(X + 136, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
    ElseIf pincount = 16 Then
        Picture1.Line (X, Y)-(X + 222, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y)-(X + 24, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y)-(X + 50, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y)-(X + 76, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y)-(X + 102, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 112, Y)-(X + 128, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 138, Y)-(X + 154, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 164, Y)-(X + 180, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 190, Y)-(X + 206, Y - 16), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 72)-(X + 24, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y + 72)-(X + 50, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y + 72)-(X + 76, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y + 72)-(X + 102, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 112, Y + 72)-(X + 128, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 138, Y + 72)-(X + 154, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 164, Y + 72)-(X + 180, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 190, Y + 72)-(X + 206, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
    End If
End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



enter image description here


Private Function MouseCursorInsideRectangle(topLeftX As Integer, topLeftY As Integer, bottomRightX As Integer, bottomRightY As Integer, mouseX As Integer, mouseY As Integer) As Boolean
    If mouseX >= topLeftX And mouseX <= bottomRightX And mouseY >= topLeftY And mouseY <= bottomRightY Then
        MouseCursorInsideRectangle = True
        MouseCursorInsideRectangle = False
    End If
End Function






Option Explicit
Option Base 0

Private Type ICData
    topLeftX As Integer
    topLeftY As Integer
    bottomRightX As Integer
    bottomRightY As Integer
    pinCount As Integer
End Type

Dim ICs() As ICData
Dim ICsIndex As Integer
Dim DraggedICIndex As Integer
Dim Xdifference As Integer
Dim Ydifference As Integer

Dim InitialX As Integer
Dim InitialY As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
    ICsIndex = -1
    DraggedICIndex = -1
    Picture1.ScaleMode = 3
    Picture1.AutoRedraw = True
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()        
    Call save_ic(Val(text5), Val(text6), Val(text7))
    Call draw_ics(-1)
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    DraggedICIndex = GetICIndex(CSng(X), CSng(Y))

    If DraggedICIndex > -1 Then
        InitialX = ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftX
        InitialY = ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftY

        Xdifference = Abs(X - ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftX)
        Ydifference = Abs(Y - ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftY)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If Button = vbLeftButton And DraggedICIndex > -1 Then

        Call draw_ics(DraggedICIndex)
        Call draw_ic(X - Xdifference, Y - Ydifference, ICs(DraggedICIndex).pinCount)

        Dim ICWidth As Integer
        Dim ICHeight As Integer

        ICWidth = ICs(DraggedICIndex).bottomRightX - ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftX
        ICHeight = ICs(DraggedICIndex).bottomRightY - ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftY
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    If DraggedICIndex > -1 Then
        Dim ICWidth As Integer
        Dim ICHeight As Integer

        ICWidth = ICs(DraggedICIndex).bottomRightX - ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftX
        ICHeight = ICs(DraggedICIndex).bottomRightY - ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftY

        ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftX = X - Xdifference
        ICs(DraggedICIndex).topLeftY = Y - Ydifference
        ICs(DraggedICIndex).bottomRightX = ICWidth + X - Xdifference
        ICs(DraggedICIndex).bottomRightY = ICHeight + Y - Ydifference
    End If
End Sub

Private Function MouseCursorInsideRectangle(location As ICData, mouseX As Integer, mouseY As Integer) As Boolean
    If mouseX >= location.topLeftX And mouseX <= location.bottomRightX And mouseY >= location.topLeftY And mouseY <= location.bottomRightY Then
        MouseCursorInsideRectangle = True
        MouseCursorInsideRectangle = False
    End If
End Function

Private Function GetICIndex(mouseX As Integer, mouseY As Integer) As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    For i = 0 To ICsIndex
        If MouseCursorInsideRectangle(ICs(i), mouseX, mouseY) = True Then
            GetICIndex = i
            Exit Function
        End If

    GetICIndex = -1
End Function

Sub save_ic(X, Y, pinCount)
    If pinCount = 8 Then
        ICsIndex = ICsIndex + 1
        ReDim Preserve ICs(ICsIndex)

        ICs(ICsIndex).topLeftX = X
        ICs(ICsIndex).topLeftY = Y
        ICs(ICsIndex).bottomRightX = X + 120
        ICs(ICsIndex).bottomRightY = Y + 80
        ICs(ICsIndex).pinCount = pinCount
    ElseIf pinCount = 12 Then
        ICsIndex = ICsIndex + 1
        ReDim Preserve ICs(ICsIndex)

        ICs(ICsIndex).topLeftX = X
        ICs(ICsIndex).topLeftY = Y
        ICs(ICsIndex).bottomRightX = X + 158
        ICs(ICsIndex).bottomRightY = Y + 80
        ICs(ICsIndex).pinCount = pinCount
    ElseIf pinCount = 16 Then
        ICsIndex = ICsIndex + 1
        ReDim Preserve ICs(ICsIndex)

        ICs(ICsIndex).topLeftX = X
        ICs(ICsIndex).topLeftY = Y
        ICs(ICsIndex).bottomRightX = X + 222
        ICs(ICsIndex).bottomRightY = Y + 104
        ICs(ICsIndex).pinCount = pinCount
    End If
End Sub

Sub draw_ic(X, Y, pinCount)
    If pinCount = 8 Then
        Picture1.Line (X, Y + 16)-(X + 120, Y + 64), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 16)-(X + 24, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y + 16)-(X + 50, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y + 16)-(X + 76, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y + 16)-(X + 102, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 64)-(X + 24, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y + 64)-(X + 50, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y + 64)-(X + 76, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y + 64)-(X + 102, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
    ElseIf pinCount = 12 Then
        Picture1.Line (X, Y + 8)-(X + 158, Y + 72), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 8)-(X + 16, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 32, Y + 8)-(X + 40, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 56, Y + 8)-(X + 64, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 80, Y + 8)-(X + 88, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 104, Y + 8)-(X + 112, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 128, Y + 8)-(X + 136, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 72)-(X + 16, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 32, Y + 72)-(X + 40, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 56, Y + 72)-(X + 64, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 80, Y + 72)-(X + 88, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 104, Y + 72)-(X + 112, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 128, Y + 72)-(X + 136, Y + 80), vbBlack, B
    ElseIf pinCount = 16 Then
        Picture1.Line (X, Y + 16)-(X + 222, Y + 88), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 16)-(X + 24, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y + 16)-(X + 50, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y + 16)-(X + 76, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y + 16)-(X + 102, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 112, Y + 16)-(X + 128, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 138, Y + 16)-(X + 154, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 164, Y + 16)-(X + 180, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 190, Y + 16)-(X + 206, Y), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 8, Y + 88)-(X + 24, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 34, Y + 88)-(X + 50, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 60, Y + 88)-(X + 76, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 86, Y + 88)-(X + 102, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 112, Y + 88)-(X + 128, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 138, Y + 88)-(X + 154, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 164, Y + 88)-(X + 180, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
        Picture1.Line (X + 190, Y + 88)-(X + 206, Y + 104), vbBlack, B
    End If
End Sub

Sub draw_ics(exceptICIndex As Integer)
    If ICsIndex > -1 Then
        Dim i As Integer

        For i = 0 To ICsIndex
            If i <> exceptICIndex Then
                Call draw_ic(ICs(i).topLeftX, ICs(i).topLeftY, ICs(i).pinCount)
            End If
    End If
End Sub
