type 'a tree =
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
| Nil
let x =
(Node (Node (Nil,35,Node (Nil,40,Nil)),48,Node (Nil,52,Node (Nil,53,Nil))),
80,Node (Node (Nil,82,Node (Nil,83,Nil)),92,Node (Nil,98,Nil)))
_______ 80 _______
/ \
_ 48 _ _ 92 _
/ \ / \
35 52 82 98
\ \ /
40 53 83
答案 0 :(得分:31)
如果你想要它非常漂亮,你可以从this blog entry窃取大约25行代码来用WPF绘制它。
type 'a tree =
| Node of 'a tree * 'a * 'a tree
| Nil
For any given tree
/ \
lll rrr
we think about it as these three sections, left|middle|right (L|M|R):
d | d | d
/ | | \
lll | | rrr
M is always exactly one character.
L will be as wide as either (d's width / 2) or L's width, whichever is more (and always at least one)
R will be as wide as either ((d's width - 1) / 2) or R's width, whichever is more (and always at least one)
(above two lines mean 'dddd' of even length is slightly off-center left)
We want the '/' to appear directly above the rightmost character of the direct left child.
We want the '\' to appear directly above the leftmost character of the direct right child.
If the width of 'ddd' is not long enough to reach within 1 character of the slashes, we widen 'ddd' with
underscore characters on that side until it is wide enough.
// PrettyAndWidthInfo : 'a tree -> string[] * int * int * int
// strings are all the same width (space padded if needed)
// first int is that total width
// second int is the column the root node starts in
// third int is the column the root node ends in
// (assumes d.ToString() never returns empty string)
let rec PrettyAndWidthInfo t =
match t with
| Nil ->
[], 0, 0, 0
| Node(Nil,d,Nil) ->
let s = d.ToString()
[s], s.Length, 0, s.Length-1
| Node(l,d,r) ->
// compute info for string of this node's data
let s = d.ToString()
let sw = s.Length
let swl = sw/2
let swr = (sw-1)/2
assert(swl+1+swr = sw)
// recurse
let lp,lw,_,lc = PrettyAndWidthInfo l
let rp,rw,rc,_ = PrettyAndWidthInfo r
// account for absent subtrees
let lw,lb = if lw=0 then 1," " else lw,"/"
let rw,rb = if rw=0 then 1," " else rw,"\\"
// compute full width of this tree
let totalLeftWidth = (max (max lw swl) 1)
let totalRightWidth = (max (max rw swr) 1)
let w = totalLeftWidth + 1 + totalRightWidth
A suggestive example:
dddd | d | dddd__
/ | | \
lll | | rr
| | ...
| | rrrrrrrrrrr
---- ---- swl, swr (left/right string width (of this node) before any padding)
--- ----------- lw, rw (left/right width (of subtree) before any padding)
---- totalLeftWidth
----------- totalRightWidth
---- - ----------- w (total width)
// get right column info that accounts for left side
let rc2 = totalLeftWidth + 1 + rc
// make left and right tree same height
let lp = if lp.Length < rp.Length then lp @ List.init (rp.Length-lp.Length) (fun _ -> "") else lp
let rp = if rp.Length < lp.Length then rp @ List.init (lp.Length-rp.Length) (fun _ -> "") else rp
// widen left and right trees if necessary (in case parent node is wider, and also to fix the 'added height')
let lp = lp |> List.map (fun s -> if s.Length < totalLeftWidth then (nSpaces (totalLeftWidth - s.Length)) + s else s)
let rp = rp |> List.map (fun s -> if s.Length < totalRightWidth then s + (nSpaces (totalRightWidth - s.Length)) else s)
// first part of line1
let line1 =
if swl < lw - lc - 1 then
(nSpaces (lc + 1)) + (nBars (lw - lc - swl)) + s
(nSpaces (totalLeftWidth - swl)) + s
// line1 right bars
let line1 =
if rc2 > line1.Length then
line1 + (nBars (rc2 - line1.Length))
// line1 right padding
let line1 = line1 + (nSpaces (w - line1.Length))
// first part of line2
let line2 = (nSpaces (totalLeftWidth - lw + lc)) + lb
// pad rest of left half
let line2 = line2 + (nSpaces (totalLeftWidth - line2.Length))
// add right content
let line2 = line2 + " " + (nSpaces rc) + rb
// add right padding
let line2 = line2 + (nSpaces (w - line2.Length))
let resultLines = line1 :: line2 :: ((lp,rp) ||> List.map2 (fun l r -> l + " " + r))
for x in resultLines do
assert(x.Length = w)
resultLines, w, lw-swl, totalLeftWidth+1+swr
and nSpaces n =
String.replicate n " "
and nBars n =
String.replicate n "_"
let PrettyPrint t =
let sl,_,_,_ = PrettyAndWidthInfo t
for s in sl do
printfn "%s" s
let y = Node(Node (Node (Nil,35,Node (Node(Nil,1,Nil),88888888,Nil)),48,Node (Nil,777777777,Node (Nil,53,Nil))),
80,Node (Node (Nil,82,Node (Nil,83,Nil)),1111111111,Node (Nil,98,Nil)))
let z = Node(y,55555,y)
let x = Node(z,4444,y)
PrettyPrint x
/ \
________55555________________ ________80
/ \ / \
________80 ________80 _______48 1111111111
/ \ / \ / \ / \
_______48 1111111111 _______48 1111111111 35 777777777 82 98
/ \ / \ / \ / \ \ \ \
35 777777777 82 98 35 777777777 82 98 88888888 53 83
\ \ \ \ \ \ /
88888888 53 83 88888888 53 83 1
/ /
1 1
答案 1 :(得分:4)
80,{{nil,82,{nil,83,nil}},92 {nil,98,nil}}}
function pptree (t,depth)
if t ~= nil
then pptree(t[3], depth+1)
print(string.format("%s%d",string.rep(" ",depth), t[2]))
pptree(t[1], depth+1)
> pptree(tree,4)
答案 2 :(得分:4)
答案 3 :(得分:2)
也许这可以提供帮助:Drawing Trees in ML
答案 4 :(得分:1)
(* A string representation of binary trees
Somebody represents binary trees as strings of the following type (see example opposite):
a) Write a Prolog predicate which generates this string representation, if the tree
is given as usual (as nil or t(X,L,R) term). Then write a predicate which does this
inverse; i.e. given the string representation, construct the tree in the usual form.
Finally, combine the two predicates in a single predicate tree_string/2 which can be
used in both directions.
b) Write the same predicate tree_string/2 using difference lists and a single
predicate tree_dlist/2 which does the conversion between a tree and a difference
list in both directions.
For simplicity, suppose the information in the nodes is a single letter and there are
no spaces in the string.
type bin_tree =
Leaf of string
| Node of string * bin_tree * bin_tree
let rec tree_to_string t =
match t with
Leaf s -> s
| Node (s,tl,tr) ->
String.concat ""
[s;"(";tree_to_string tl;",";tree_to_string tr;")"]
答案 5 :(得分:1)
这是一种直觉,我敢肯定像Knuth这样的人有这个主意,我太懒了 去检查。
如果您将树视为一维结构,您将获得一个数组 长度为L的(或向量) 使用“按顺序”递归树遍历很容易构建:left,root,right 当树不平衡时,必须进行一些计算以填补空白
_______ 80 _______
/ \
_ 48 _ _ 92 _
/ \ / \
35 52 82 98
\ \ /
40 53 83
35 40 48 52 53 80 83 82 92 98
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
可以使用此数组构建漂亮的打印树 (也许是递归的东西) 首先使用L / 2位置的值,X位置是 L / 2值*默认长度(此处为2个字符)
then (L/2) - (L/4) and (L/2) + (L/4)
48 92
then L/2-L/4-L/8, L/2-L/4+L/8, L/2+L/4-L/8 and L/2+L/4+L/8
35 52 82 98
您可以使用数组连接字符串中的值,连接将 事实上计算最好的X位置,并允许不同的值大小, 制作一个更紧凑的树。 在这种情况下,您将必须计算要提取的字符串中的单词 价值。例如:对于使用字符串的第L / 2个字的第一个元素 数组的L / 2元素。字符串中的X位置在树中是相同的。
N 35 40 48 N 52 53 80 83 82 N 92 N 98 N
48 92
35 52 82 98
40 53 83