我正在使用Breezejs,EF 4.4,MVC4,WebAPI和OData开发应用程序。当breeze调用Metadata ActionMethod时,结果为null。我们使用代码优先方法,因此没有EDMX文件,所以 我认为当微风尝试以某种身份“重新创建”EDMX时它就会出现错误。请参阅以下有关try catch产生异常的源代码 。
// ~/odata/Analysis/Metadata
public string Metadata()
return _contextProvider.Metadata();
private static String GetMetadataFromDbContext(Object context) {
var dbContext = (DbContext) context;
XElement xele;
try {
using (var swriter = new StringWriter()) {
using (var xwriter = new XmlTextWriter(swriter)) {
EdmxWriter.WriteEdmx(dbContext, xwriter);
xele = XElement.Parse(swriter.ToString());
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e is NotSupportedException) {
// DbContext that fails on WriteEdmx is likely a DataBase first DbContext.
return GetMetadataFromObjectContext(dbContext);
} else {
var ns = xele.Name.Namespace;
var conceptualEle = xele.Descendants(ns + "ConceptualModels").First();
var schemaEle = conceptualEle.Elements().First(ele => ele.Name.LocalName == "Schema");
var xDoc = XDocument.Load(schemaEle.CreateReader());
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)dbContext).ObjectContext;
// This is needed because the raw edmx has a different namespace than the CLR types that it references.
xDoc = UpdateCSpaceOSpaceMapping(xDoc, objectContext);
return XDocToJson(xDoc);
// Summary:
// Uses Code First with the given context and writes the resulting Entity Data
// Model to the given writer in EDMX form. This method can only be used with
// context instances that use Code First and create the model internally. The
// method cannot be used for contexts created using Database First or Model
// First, for contexts created using a pre-existing System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext,
// or for contexts created using a pre-existing System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbCompiledModel.
// Parameters:
// context:
// The context.
// writer:
// The writer.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Edmx")]
public static void WriteEdmx(DbContext context, XmlWriter writer);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
更新:从EF 4.4降级到EF 4.1似乎解决了这个问题。升级到EF 5.0或每晚构建也可能会这样做。
对于这个不起眼的问题,这是我能做的最好的事情。的 #baffled