
时间:2013-06-19 04:10:19

标签: java html ruby-on-rails applet

我有一个包含Java applet的页面。小程序位于_program.html.erb部分。这是简化的ERB:

    <%= render "program" %>
    <div class="buttons" style="text-align:center; margin-top: 20px">
      BUTTONS <!--this doesn't render, but it renders if I remove the applet tag in _program, below. It's not that the buttons are blocked from view - they're not in the HTML source -->


      <applet archive="<%= program.compiled.url %>" code="<%= program.name %>" />


  1. 为什么Rails在applet之后没有返回任何标记?
  2. 为什么使用<embed>有效?

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这很简单。 <applet />应该是<applet></applet>Reference