
时间:2013-06-10 08:12:57

标签: r


xmin <- c(3, 14, 25, 61)
xmax <- c(5, 18, 27, 65)
ymin <- c(33, 12, 83, 2)
ymax <- c(35, 16, 90, 6)
regions <- cbind(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

x <- c(7, 26, 4, 16)
y <- c(4, 85, 30, 13)
points <- cbind(x, y)



apply(points, 1, function(x){
    which(regions[,'xmin'] < x[1] & regions[,'xmax'] > x[1] & regions[,'ymin'] < x[2] & regions[,'ymax'] > x[2])






对于任何有兴趣的人,我使用Rcpp在C ++中创建了一个函数,它提供了大约50倍的性能提升。我不熟练使用C ++,所以可能会做得更好......

    IntegerVector findInRegion(NumericVector x, NumericVector y, NumericVector xmin, NumericVector xmax, NumericVector ymin, NumericVector ymax){
        int pointSize = x.size();
        int regionSize = xmin.size();
        IntegerVector ans(pointSize);
        for(int i = 0; i < pointSize; i++){
            ans[i] = NA_INTEGER;

        for(int i = 0; i < pointSize; i++){
            for(int j = 0; j < regionSize; j++){
                if(x[i] > xmin[j]){
                    if(x[i] < xmax[j]){
                        if(y[i] > ymin[j]){
                            if(y[i] < ymax[j]){
                                ans[i] = j+1;
        return ans;

findRegion <- function(points, regions){
    if(!all(c('x', 'y') %in% colnames(points))){
        stop('points must contain columns named \'x\' and \'y\'')
    if(!all(c('xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax') %in% colnames(regions))){
        stop('regions must contain columns named \'xmin\', \'xmax\', \'ymin\' and \'ymax\'')
    findInRegion(points[, 'x'], points[,'y'], regions[, 'xmin'], regions[, 'xmax'], regions[, 'ymin'], regions[, 'ymax'])


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


#  Are X coords greater than xmin
lx <- outer( points[,1] , regions[,1] , ">" )

#  Are X coords less than xmax
hx <- outer( points[,1] , regions[,2] , "<" )

#  Ditto for Y coords
ly <- outer( points[,2] , regions[,3] , ">" )
hy <- outer( points[,2] , regions[,4] , "<" )

#  These matrices for X and Y points have 1 if coords is in range, 0 otherwise
inx <- lx * hx
iny <- ly * hy

#  The final result matrix has 1 if both X and Y coords are in range and 0 if not
#  Rows are points, columns are regions
res <- inx * iny

在100000点和100000个区域的数据上,除非您拥有 的RAM,否则此方法将无效。但是我认为,如果将区域数量分成,每个区域大约1000个,那么它是非常有用的。在我的桌面上,100,000点和1,000个区域耗时5秒:

Unit: seconds
        expr      min      lq  median       uq      max neval
 eval(simon) 4.528942 4.55258 4.59848 4.607572 4.671511     5


Unit: milliseconds
        expr       min        lq    median        uq       max neval
 eval(simon)  394.7165  402.0919  403.0491  404.6943  428.7077     5
    eval(OP) 1359.5889 1364.6308 1372.4980 1383.1327 1491.4628     5


Unit: seconds
        expr       min        lq    median        uq       max neval
 eval(simon)  4.352857  4.352857  4.352857  4.352857  4.352857     1
    eval(OP) 14.027390 14.027390 14.027390 14.027390 14.027390     1


xmin <- sample(25,1000,repl=T)
xmax <- xmin + sample(15,100,repl=T)
ymin <- sample(25,1000,repl=T)
ymax <- ymin + sample(15,1000,repl=T)
regions <- cbind(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

x <- sample(25,100000,repl=T)
y <- sample(25,100000,repl=T)
points <- cbind(x, y)

OP <- quote({ res <- apply(points, 1, function(x){
    which(regions[,'xmin'] < x[1] & regions[,'xmax'] > x[1] & regions[,'ymin'] < x[2] & regions[,'ymax'] > x[2])
}) })

simon <- quote({
lx <- outer( points[,1] , regions[,1] , ">" )
hx <- outer( points[,1] , regions[,2] , "<" )
ly <- outer( points[,2] , regions[,3] , ">" )
hy <- outer( points[,2] , regions[,4] , "<" )
inx <- lx * hx
iny <- ly * hy
res <- inx * iny })

microbenchmark( eval(simon) , eval(OP) , times = 1L )

我建议你这样做。 HTH。

答案 1 :(得分:4)

这是另一种解决方案,使用R-tree索引(一种用于存储边界框的数据库索引)与SQLite。 事实证明它比Simon的稍微慢一点(7秒),可能是因为数据被复制到磁盘上。

# Sample data: data.frames, rather than matrices
regions <- data.frame(id=1:length(xmin), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
points  <- data.frame(x, y)

con <- dbConnect("SQLite", dbname = "/tmp/a.sqlite") 
dbGetQuery( con, "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE regions USING rtree (id, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)" )
dbWriteTable( con, "regions", regions, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE )
dbWriteTable( con, "points",  points, row.names = TRUE )
res <- dbGetQuery( con, "
  SELECT points.row_names, regions.id
  FROM   points, regions
  WHERE  xmin <= x AND x <= xmax
  AND    ymin <= y AND y <= ymax
" )