extensions: ["table"],
table: {
indentation: 20, // indent 20px per node level
nodeColumnIdx: 0 // render the node title into the 1st column
source: {url: "productTree.json"},
rendercolumns: function(e, data) {
var node = data.node,
$tdList = $(node.tr).find(">td");
// (index #0 is rendered by fancytree - see above)
{"title": "All Products", "key": "*", "folder": true, "children": [
{"title": "Smart Product 1", "key": "Smart", "inclusion": "Mandatory", "folder": true, "children": [
{"title": "Simple A", "key": "One Time Fee", "modeldet": "0-50 Units"},
{"title": "Simple B", "key": "Per Unit or Metered Usage", "modeldet": "More than 50 Units"}
{"title": "Simple A", "key": "One Time Fee", "inclusion": "Mandatory"},
{"title": "Simple B", "key": "Per Unit or Metered Usage", "inclusion": "Mandatory"},
{"title": "Simple C", "key": "Reservation", "inclusion": "Optional", "extraClasses": "my-extra-class" },
{"title": "Simple D", "key": "Service or Recurring Fee", "inclusion": "Optional", "extraClasses": "my-extra-class" }
答案 0 :(得分:0)
大多数自定义节点数据都存储在单独的命名空间中以避免冲突。 尝试以“node.data.modeldet”的形式访问。