出于某种原因,我的Javadoc已停止检测对类描述的更改。例如,我有一个具有描述A sample of Swing and reference types.
的类,我将其更改为A sample of Swing and reference types. (Page 78)
,但即使删除所有Javadoc文件夹并重新生成它,它仍然会显示A sample of Swing and reference types.
package com.nathan2055.booksamples;
* This program calculates 228 cents of change out.
* @author Nathan2055
import static java.lang.System.out;
public class CalculatingChange {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 248 cents...
int total = 248;
// How many quarters?
int quarters = total / 25;
int whatsLeft = total % 25;
// How many dimes?
int dimes = whatsLeft / 10;
whatsLeft = whatsLeft % 10;
// How many nickels?
int nickels = whatsLeft / 5;
whatsLeft = whatsLeft % 5;
// How many are left?
int cents = whatsLeft;
// And then tell me.
out.println("From " + total + " cents you get:");
out.println(quarters + " quarters");
out.println(dimes + " dimes");
out.println(nickels + " nickels");
out.println(cents + " cents");
答案 0 :(得分:2)
* This program calculates 228 cents of change out.
* @author Nathan2055
import static java.lang.System.out;
public class CalculatingChange {
javadoc必须在类声明之前直接 。你在import语句之前得到了它。因此,虽然上述方法不起作用,但这样做:
import static java.lang.System.out;
* This program calculates 228 cents of change out.
* @author Nathan2055
public class CalculatingChange {