
时间:2013-05-25 11:59:28

标签: php recursion hyperlink html-lists pocketmine


  1. 递归显示多维数组
  2. 必须使用项目符号,例如<ul><li>
  3. 文字必须链接到文档。例如,文本“1. Hi”将被重定向,保持其目录结构(数组结构)。但是文本必须递归显示。
  4. 将成为输入的数组将是目录层次结构的多维数组。 输入:

        [pocketmine] => Array
                [tutorial] => Array
                        [0] => 1. Introduction.markdown
                        [1] => part3-setting-up-your-workspace.php
                        [2] => part1-introduction.php~
                        [3] => part2-planning.php~
                        [4] => part2-planning.php
                        [5] => part5-pocketmine-says-hello-world.php
                        [6] => part4-inter-lingual-programming-basics.php
                [documentation] => Array
                        [0] => List of Events Alphabetical.markdown


    • Pocketmine
      • 教程
        • 1.简介

    但是“1.简介”必须链接到“whateverURL / pocketmine / tutorial / 1.Introduction”


    <li><a href=pocketmine/tutorial/1.-Introduction.markdown>1. Introduction</li>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



$data = array(
    'pocketmine' => array
        'tutorial' => array
        'documentation' => array
            'List of Events Alphabetical.markdown'


class ListIterator extends RecursiveIteratorIterator
    protected $url_path;
    protected $top_path;

    public function beginChildren()
        echo '<ul>';

    public function endChildren()
        //Reset url path when changing children.
        $this->url_path = "";

        echo '</ul></li>';

    public function current()
        // if current item has children then print only the key.
        if ($this->callHasChildren()) {
            // Store top path for urls
            if ($this->getDepth() == 0) {
                $this->top_path = $this->key();
            } else {
                // create the url path from array keys.
                $this->url_path .= "/" . $this->key();
            return $this->key();
        } else {
            // Get only the title without dot extension.
            $dot = strrpos(parent::current(), '.');
            if ($dot !== false) {
                $page = substr(parent::current(), 0, $dot);
            } else {
                $page = parent::current();
            // compose final url path
            $path = $this->top_path . $this->url_path . "/" . parent::current();

            return '<a href="'.$path.'">'. $page . '</a>';

    public function beginIteration()
        echo '<ul>';

    public function endIteration()
        echo '</ul>';

$iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator($data);

$template = new ListIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);

foreach ($template as $item) {
    echo '<li>' . $item;
    echo $template->callHasChildren() == false ? '</li>' : null;